Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #5

gma'sphoto linkup party #5

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #5!

Gma'sPhoto linkup party #5

This week’s Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party spotlight is on:

Crazy Little Love Birds Link Party 2 | Stephanie
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup
Encouraging Hearts and Home: Quick and Delicious! | Joanne
Spread The Kindness Link Up On the Edge #667 | Shelbee

This week’s theme is: General, all types of links welcome!

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Thursday and ends Wednesday. Each week’s theme can be found here.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #5!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


My Journey Update

My Journey Update

Hi, I have been visiting other blogs and see many recipes. Many of those recipes look and sound very delicious, however- I do not cook. My husband and I have different eating schedules. For me this will be a post on what works for me while on the Weight Watchers program.

During the week, I have 30 minutes for lunch break. Now my husband is retired and he is on his own schedule. I require quick and simple. The Healthy Choice dinners are very Weight Watcher (WW) friendly, either 5 or 6 points. Plus, the ones I have tried (see the above collage) are pretty tasty!

I am not limited to eating the frozen dinners. That is what I like most about the WW program. Nothing is off limits. The question is, ‘How do I want to eat my points?’.

What I discovered, is the individual portion sizes. This is perfect and very simple. The portion size has already been measured and points assigned. I have a healthy choice meal with a snack. Several snacks I found are pictured in the collage above. No need to measure or weigh. Fruits and vegetables are free, no point value.

The weekends are the challenge. This is the time my husband and I will eat our meals together. Those times are generally at a restaurant. Which is not easy to calculate point values. The WW app does have a list of the more popular restaurant menus and point values. However, Kevin’s favorite places to eat are the mom and pop locations. I stick with the vegetables, limiting bread. For protein, either egg, chicken, turkey or beans, my go-to’s.


Weight Watchers will acknowledge and reward my milestones. I am working on my 20lb charm! 🙂

I enjoy stopping by my folks house for a visit after my Saturday WW meetings. Being a photographer, taking pictures with my family is important. Especially now that my parents are in their upper 70’s. Side note, I recommend getting family pictures, at minimum, every 5 years. Families with young children, every other year.

Weight Watchers does not pay me to write about their program. Simply, it is working for me. Anyone who has a question about the program, I will gladly share my opinion and what works for me. It is in my opinion, loosing weight in a healthy manner will most definitely make you feel better. And as a person who takes her ‘happy pills’, feeling better is important!

The following links are prequels to My Journey Update.
My Journey
Follow Up

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -16lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #4

Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #4

tonganoxie libraryHi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto 4th LinkUp Party!

Wednesday I had an unexpected fun time. I had gone to the library and had seen the accouncement of movie and dinner sign up. The library was hosting a memorial for the 46th anniversary of Elvis Presley passing with Viva Las Vegas and dinner! That sounded like fun, so I added my name to the list.

dinner and movie
Elvis’ favorite meal, grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich!

It was rather funny, I had no idea who would show up. Fifteen names were on the list. When I walked into the room, it was all older women and I was one of them! It was a fun night.

gmas spotlight

Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #3 spotlight is on:

It’s Playtime with the Kids. | Penny’s Passion
There’s Really No Place Like Home! | GrammysGrid
Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #3 | Gma’sPhoto

This week’s theme is Party LinkUps. Yes, please link up your party here! Recipes, DIY, Home, Pets, Photography, Fashion, Health, all family friendly parties are welcome.

Important things to know:
-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each post added.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #4!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Feel Real Good

feel real good home

Feel Real Good

Hi, have you ever had a day where you just feel real good? Today was such a day for me. Nothing spectacular happened, just several nice things. First was my Weight Watchers meeting. I am truly enjoying this more with each passing week. Meeting new people. Now that I am working from home, I miss the socialization I once had. WW has given me a much needed outlet.

My blog has also been a blessing. While creating mine, I have found new blogging friends. One such friend is Dee with I say she is a friend because she has been a tremendous resource. She just makes me feel good by making me feel important, always answering any questions I may have about my website, software and such. Not to mention her prompt replies to the comments I add to her posts, that in itself makes me feel important.

As I have mentioned in prior posts, I had taken many senior portraits, family session, engagement pictures and weddings for 20 some years. I have since slowed down, only doing an occasional shoot here and there. This weekend was one of those here and there’s.

What lead up to this weekend was when I was on Facebook and saw a high school friend had just gotten engaged to another high school friend (Cris and Todd). Well, one of my 101 in 1001 goals (#99) is to be a wedding crasher. No bashfulness, I asked them when and where they were getting married. Does inviting yourself count as a wedding crasher? 🙂 I was flattered when they asked me if I would take their wedding pictures. Of course I said yes! We took a few engagement pictures this weekend.

Then I met my son, we filled his medicine pillbox, had lunch and then did grocery shopping. Our usual Saturday stuff. Always have a nice time with him. Then I drove home. As I was getting close to home, I had to pull the car over and take this picture.

feel real good home
“Home is not a place….it’s a feeling.”

Standing on the gravel road, looking at my husband’s and my home, I felt good. Still do when I look at this picture. My whole day was a feel good day. Driving down the road and seeing this, just made my day even better.

I have so much to be grateful for, and by the Grace of God, I can enjoy this for many more years with my husband. Amen!

May you enjoy a feel good day!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -14lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Another 101 in 1001 Done

Another 101 in 1001 Done!

Hi, I am quite happy. This weekend was really fun! Spent Saturday with my folks, son, daughter and her family. After my morning WW meeting, went straight to my parents home. This is were the fun continued, visited, ate lunch (Freddy’s). We played a card game, Cover Your Assets.

dancing with mom
Dancing with my Mom!
Once the game was over, the grand girls wanted to dance. They brought mini disco lights, which I never got a picture, darn. Turned on some 1960’s music and we danced! Thanks to my daughter, I have this picture of me and my mom dancing. On the wall, you can see faint light reflections above my mom’s head from the disco balls.

My mom had fun. When I was a kid, one of my memories was mom playing albums and we would dance. I continued the tradition with my children. When they had friends spend the night, I’d play music. Me and my kids would dance and eventually their friends would start dancing too! And this weekend Me, my mom, daughter and grand girls all danced. Priceless memories!

My friend, Linda and I meet M-F to walk. Weekends I do not necessarily walk, just relying on me doing my grocery shopping and other weekend stuff to get my steps in. Well, the dancing was an added bonus! Since COVID I have been working from home. My activity level went way down with this transition of work environment.

As our time together was coming to an end, we started talking about the newer movies. Sound of Freedom was brought up. My mom wanted to see this. So I asked her if she wanted to go with me. The dancing wore her down. With her C.O.P.D, she exerted herself. I decided to go ahead and see it. Oh, I was able to take advantage of the senior ticket price!

Unplanned, I was able to check off another 101 in 1001 done! #37 – go to a movie by myself. I also remembered to take advantage of senior discount for the movie ticket – #88!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -13.8lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Make a List

make a list

Make a List

Hi, have you ever gotten to the store, bought your things and once home you realized you forgot the item you specifically went to get? This is happening to me more than what I like to admit. And it’s not limited to just buying things at the store.

This week I had to run errands. While at the house I thought about all the things I needed to do. The car was on empty, get gas. I like going to Sonic to get a route 44 tea. Then into town to go to the Social Security office. I was prepared to be at the office most of the day. I remembered that line can be extremely long.

I got into the car to leave. My drive will take about 40 minutes. I stopped to get my Sonic route 44. Then as I left Sonic I began to think what I needed to do when I got to the social security office. About 10 minutes into my drive I remembered I needed gas. Uh-oh…..

empty gas tank

I had passed up the last gas station before I got to my destination. As you can see my tank is on empty! I took the picture and probably was not the smartest thing to do while driving. I had approximately 25 miles to go to get to town. Keeping fingers crossed, I did not run out of gas. The first gas station I came to, I stopped and filled up!

Luckily I did not run out of gas. That would not be fun. This has made me think about making a list, shopping and to do list. Which would make shopping easier. The need to remember would be eliminated with just looking at my list!

I must admit the older I get, I recognize changes I am experiencing. Memory loss being one of those. Of course I did Google about age and memory and was comforted to know this is normal for persons 50 and older. If my lists do not help me, I will definitely consult my doctor.

One source I visit often is the Mayo Clinic. This article mentioned misplacing keys, forgetting people’s names but remember them later. This describes me.

A short while ago I did add to my key ring an Apple AirTag. It’s already been helpful. I was at the doctors office and had set my keys down in the lobby. After my appointment I went to my car and could not unlock it. Used my phone to find my keys, worked like a charm!

key ring on chain

Remote Shutter

This week’s WW meeting topic: Single Tasking. I have not heard of this before my meeting. Multi-tasking is a term I am familiar. Single tasking focuses on the moment. My list is multi-tasking. Each item on the list, a single task. Focus on one task at a time and not the whole list. The idea of a single task is to eliminate stress, focus on the moment and stop the squirrel like thoughts running in the mind. Allowing me to focus on the pleasures of the now, not be thinking of other things needing to be done and ruining the pleasures of the moment.

single task

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -11.6lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
