March 101 in 1001 Update

March 101 in 1001 update.

Hi, I had a very pleasurable weekend spent with my daughter and her family. My Son in law’s brother was there too. Nothing big planned. Just time with them. We watched a movie Saturday night. I was pleased that little Brynlee wanted to cuddle while watching the live action Aladdin. Brie was upstairs with the guys.
march 101 in 1001 update
All of us slept in Sunday. Shaune (son in law) made scratch pancakes with chocolate chips. Breakfast was delicious. After breakfast Brynlee wanted to put a puzzle together. I sat back and observed them, taking in the atmosphere. My heart full!

Visiting grand girls
#38, 101 in 1001 visit grand girls once a month

#54, getting 8 hours sleep is proving to not be as easy as I had hoped it would be. My sleep tracker on my Apple Watch shows I am sleeping the 8 hours. However my ResMed app reflects mostly 7.5 hours.

March update
#54 Get 8 hrs sleep

After my wreck in Sept 2019 causing me to stay at my daughter’s home for 3 weeks; my daughter and son in law suggested that I have my sleep monitored. Apparently I snored. So I did as they suggested. My doctor prescribed the sleep test. Sure enough I have sleep apnea. Using the CPAP machine has definitely made an improvement. I seem to focus better and transpose letters, numbers less.

March I have only worked on two of my monthly average of 3. I will continue to work on my 101 in 1001. I am hoping you all hold me accountable on my goals and giving updates!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

March 101 in 1001 update.

Remote Shutter

Newly found phone accessory, the remote shutter.

Hi, I found a new accessory for the iPhone camera. It’s a remote shutter. Originally I discovered a selfie stick that had a remote included. I liked it so much I found one independent of the stick.

Remote shutter

The AB Shutter3 was simple to pair to the phone. When I was searching Amazon, the description was vague. With the price less than 10 bucks, I decided to give it a try. Typically I do not write reviews, I did for this. I included my image above for others in case they had some of the same questions I had. I’m pleased Amazon approved my review!

Selfies remote shutter
Of course after the pairing was completed, I had to practice! The first picture I had met this young lady on a previous library visit. There was someone sitting at each table. She asked if she could sit at the table I was occupying. I was happy to share the table with her. It was a Saturday several weeks ago. In the times I have been to the library, I have not seen a same person a second time. Well today, I happened to look around and there she was! I asked her if I could take a picture of her and me, pleased she said yes.

The middle two I took a break from writing for the blog. And the last picture was while I was picking my grocery order up. Told the young lady I just got my remote and wanted to practice. She was a good sport and smiled with me.

The iPhone 14 ProMax is a large phone. Trying to hold and touch the shutter on the phone screen is quite awkward; almost dropping the phone on more than one occasion. The remote will definitely be handy in taking better pictures, especially selfies.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

The Wishing Bench 2023

Revisiting the wishing bench in 2023

Wishing bench 2023
Wishing bench 2023

Saturday I was not motivated. I had slid back into my funk. It could have been due to me not taking my happy pills the last two days. Needed to get them refilled. Or because my CPAP mask broke. Had to order a new one, took five days to arrive. Whatever the reason, I made myself get out of the house yesterday. Made a list of my to do’s while in Lawrence. It’s more difficult to remember things when I am in this funky mood.

My list included filling Adam’s pillbox, picking up Kevin’s and my prescriptions, picking up grocery order, having lunch with my mom and finally contributing to this week’s blog post. While making my list, the wishing bench popped into mind. It has been more than a couple years since I visited. I wondered if it was still even there. To my surprise, yes!

Below are close up images of this dreamy, happy bench!

Wishing bench 2023 2

If you would like to see the changes over the years, I have included links below to follow my previous visits.

The wishing bench in 2017.

The wishing bench in 2015.

Have you ever seen a bench like this before today, this post? I have not actually sat on the bench to make a wish. My next visit I will plan on making an addition to the set and make my own wish!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Daily Photo Opps

Gma’s photo

Daily photo opportunities.

I had such an opportunity today. Luckily my subject is stationary. My phone camera was not operating correctly. Panic set in. I went to settings, changed a few and still not working. It dawned on me, my phone updated yesterday to iOS Version 16.1.1. My camera worked just fine before the update. I decided to power off the phone. Waited a few minutes and turned the phone back on. Problem solved. Thank goodness!

Photo bike rack

It’s easy to get caught up in thoughts. I have been to my local library many times. The building and landscapes have not changed. On one particular visit, as I was walking back to my car, the bike rack caught my attention. I had never ‘seen’ the air pump next to the rack. This is such a neat and convenient thing to have next to the rack. There are daily photo opps, I just need to not get caught up in thoughts and ‘see’ my surroundings!

My husband and I do not live in town, we are in the rural community. I have two favorite local libraries, one in Lawrence and the other in Tonganoxie. During one of my visits to the Tonganoxie library I had a fun photo opportunity. And rather comically it also included a bike rack. A family of four. As we conversed the mother said they were taking one day a week to detox from digital. On this particular day they went on a picnic and a bike ride.

Photo opp

What caught my eye was the white bike that was connected to the black bike. During my visit with the family I did get her (mom’s) permission to take these pictures. If they had been inside the library I would have just taken the picture of the connected black and white bikes. I did not want them to think I was an odd bird!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
