Word Less Post

word less

Word Less Post

Hi, after visiting other blogging website’s I noticed there is a common theme of Wordless Wednesday. Today will be my word less post!

Just this past weekend, I had gone to my local library. There was a new structure close to the entrance. It caught my eye and I had to walk around the structure to figure out what it was supposed to be. After the walk around, I still had no idea. No door, no opening, the structure did not move. Does anyone have an idea? I would sure like to know what purpose this ‘thing‘ will have!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -16.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Weekly Routine and Ruts

Weekly Routine and Ruts

Hi, I have noticed that I am getting into a weekly routine. Do you live by routines? It’s been quite some time since I have done anything spontaneously. One of mine and (more so) Kevin’s weekend routine is eating either breakfast or lunch at a local restaurant. For us, local is either Tonganoxie, Oskaloosa, Winchester, Leavenworth and Lawrence. Lawrence more so for me on Sunday’s.

This weekend was no different. Saturday we went to Jalapeños Mexican Grill in Tongie. My lunch choice was the vegetarian quesadilla. I was pleasantly pleased. Kevin ordered the burrito lunch meal with the margarita. Kevin is not one to like his picture taken. Hence, the reason I have not featured him or his platter in the image below.
Weekly routine ruts If you ever want to take a short drive, Tonganoxie has several delicious restaurants serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our big outing for Saturday was our lunch date. We spent the rest of the day around our home.

Sunday I did my regular weekend routine filling Adam’s pillbox, going to the library and picking up my groceries. At the Lawrence library one of the enjoyable experiences is the window by the table I sit. This Sunday the weather was so Spring, 70! The window view is the park across the street. So many people sitting on blankets, playing basketball and just plain walking. Everyone enjoying the outdoors. Most are wearing shorts and sandals. Too early for me, however I am wearing my Sketcher Slip In shoes without socks!

My mind drifts. Trying to stay focused, I am thinking of things to do out of my regular weekly routine and rut. My 101 in 1001 will be my inspiration. To be able to do my complete list I need to do 3 a month. My three for April will be:

    #4 Clean up photos on iPhone, transfer to external hard drive.
    #55 Schedule my yearly eye exam.
    #94 Bake treats for the neighbors.

Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Daily Photo Opps

Gma’s photo

Daily photo opportunities.

I had such an opportunity today. Luckily my subject is stationary. My phone camera was not operating correctly. Panic set in. I went to settings, changed a few and still not working. It dawned on me, my phone updated yesterday to iOS Version 16.1.1. My camera worked just fine before the update. I decided to power off the phone. Waited a few minutes and turned the phone back on. Problem solved. Thank goodness!

Photo bike rack

It’s easy to get caught up in thoughts. I have been to my local library many times. The building and landscapes have not changed. On one particular visit, as I was walking back to my car, the bike rack caught my attention. I had never ‘seen’ the air pump next to the rack. This is such a neat and convenient thing to have next to the rack. There are daily photo opps, I just need to not get caught up in thoughts and ‘see’ my surroundings!

My husband and I do not live in town, we are in the rural community. I have two favorite local libraries, one in Lawrence and the other in Tonganoxie. During one of my visits to the Tonganoxie library I had a fun photo opportunity. And rather comically it also included a bike rack. A family of four. As we conversed the mother said they were taking one day a week to detox from digital. On this particular day they went on a picnic and a bike ride.

Photo opp

What caught my eye was the white bike that was connected to the black bike. During my visit with the family I did get her (mom’s) permission to take these pictures. If they had been inside the library I would have just taken the picture of the connected black and white bikes. I did not want them to think I was an odd bird!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer

Serenity prayerHi, I have the Serenity Prayer hanging on my diningroom wall. A reminder I need to keep reading and re-read. Times like now when I hit a funk (depressed) is when I have to stop and remember the prayer.

I take “happy pills” daily for depression. The pills help keep the tears at bay. But the funk can creep up on me and that is where I am now. My funk is about things I can change like my weight and how I think about myself.

After many years I have come to the conclusion, I simply love and enjoy eating. My favorites (weakness) donuts, hot chocolate, ice cream, macaroni and cheese, pastas, baked potatoes, meats and so many others. Fiber does not fit in my diet for Crohon’s.

I am working at home now after COVID. Not getting out, no excersize and my love to eat. Guess what, yep, I have gained weight. And I am down on myself. So what am I doing about it you may be wondering. I have a plan.

I am beginning with this blog. An online diary of sorts. Working at home now, the idea of having a project and selecting a location such as a coffee shop, restaurant or the library to work on this blog/online diary. Getting out of the home, socializing will certainly be uplifting.

The thought of where I will go to write my next post is already exciting. Living near a college town, there are many different coffee shops and restaurants to choose. Heck, I can pick a different location each week!

Exercising is another goal I am interested in doing. Not that I plan on going hulk, but taking a walk or walking on the treadmill. Drinking water with my meals. I don’t like the taste of water. Water washes food down verses calories in sweet tea.

Just this past Saturday, I spent the day with Kevin. First we went to breakfast and drove the long way home, a scenic drive. Once home both of us took a nap. And to end the day we went grocery shopping. Proof we are now part of the senior group. Most of the shoppers were our age. Getting out of the house felt good.

Sunday the library was my chosen location to write my post.

Best wishes, Debra

tonganoxie library