Bake a Treat for Neighbors

Bake a treat for neighbors.

Hi, this week I baked treats for the neighbors, which is #94 on my 101 in 1001 goal list. One day while browsing my Facebook, I saw a post about these mounds brownies. I absolutely love the mounds candy bar. So I decided to make this for my neighbor friends. This is the first time I have made this recipe.

Bake treat neighbors
Mounds Brownies

Bake treats for neighbors

101 in 1001
#94 Bake treats for neighbors

These are delicious! As my pictures show, I made two pans of mounds brownies. Thank goodness my grand girls, daughter and son-in-law came over to see the baby chicks and eat dessert. Took a plate full to my mom and dad. Had plenty to take to two different neighbors. Next time I will make just one pan and still share with the neighbors!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Bake treats for the neighbors.

I Have Crohn’s Disease

I have Crohn’s Disease.

Hi, this past week I was not feeling well. It affected my regular weekend activities. One of which is going to the library to write my weekly post. I was debating on what I would post this week. This week post will be about Crohn’s Disease. In a nutshell, it’s ulcer’s in the colon.

It was the summer between my junior and senior year of high school I was diagnosed. My first flare was the diagnoses itself. The second was just before my wedding. And the third was during the dark time of a close family member’s diagnosis.Crohn’s disease

Thursday evening is when I began feeling uncomfortable. Friday was the beginning of the worst. I knew I was constipated. Constipation and Crohn’s who would have thought the two would be associated! Friday night I did not get much sleep. I moved to the couch so I wouldn’t wake Kevin up each time I had an urge getting up to go to the restroom with no results. I did manage to have a couple trips that produced, TMI 🙂 And felt somewhat better by Saturday morning.

Kevin took me out to breakfast which I looked forward to. I never ate Friday and was rather hungry by Saturday morning. I had gotten up, took a shower, got dressed, put on make up. After we got home I felt uncomfortable. The exercise must have stirred things up! The grand girls were coming to the house to spend the day. Well I retreated to the bedroom to get as comfortable as I could. I resorted to taking stool softener.

Sunday evening I was finally feeling better and comfortable. I had to Google on how to prevent constipation Include plenty of high-fiber foods in your diet, including beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals and bran. Eat fewer foods with low amounts of fiber such as processed foods, and dairy and meat products. These are not on the diet for people with Crohn’s Disease!

What I can do is Drink plenty of fluids and stay as active as possible and try to get regular exercise. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is exercising more.

I look forward to aging. There was a time aging was not a certainty for me. So each day my feet touch the floor I praise to God. Getting older presents some new challenges and constipation is just one of these!!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Weekly Routine and Ruts

Weekly Routine and Ruts

Hi, I have noticed that I am getting into a weekly routine. Do you live by routines? It’s been quite some time since I have done anything spontaneously. One of mine and (more so) Kevin’s weekend routine is eating either breakfast or lunch at a local restaurant. For us, local is either Tonganoxie, Oskaloosa, Winchester, Leavenworth and Lawrence. Lawrence more so for me on Sunday’s.

This weekend was no different. Saturday we went to Jalapeños Mexican Grill in Tongie. My lunch choice was the vegetarian quesadilla. I was pleasantly pleased. Kevin ordered the burrito lunch meal with the margarita. Kevin is not one to like his picture taken. Hence, the reason I have not featured him or his platter in the image below.
Weekly routine ruts If you ever want to take a short drive, Tonganoxie has several delicious restaurants serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our big outing for Saturday was our lunch date. We spent the rest of the day around our home.

Sunday I did my regular weekend routine filling Adam’s pillbox, going to the library and picking up my groceries. At the Lawrence library one of the enjoyable experiences is the window by the table I sit. This Sunday the weather was so Spring, 70! The window view is the park across the street. So many people sitting on blankets, playing basketball and just plain walking. Everyone enjoying the outdoors. Most are wearing shorts and sandals. Too early for me, however I am wearing my Sketcher Slip In shoes without socks!

My mind drifts. Trying to stay focused, I am thinking of things to do out of my regular weekly routine and rut. My 101 in 1001 will be my inspiration. To be able to do my complete list I need to do 3 a month. My three for April will be:

    #4 Clean up photos on iPhone, transfer to external hard drive.
    #55 Schedule my yearly eye exam.
    #94 Bake treats for the neighbors.

Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Life Balance

Life Balance

Life balance using a chairHi, today I would like to share my experience with balancing. It began right after my car wreck. While taking showers it has become necessary for me to hold on to the rail as I turn in the shower. I hold my head up rinsing the shampoo from my hair, facing the shower head. During the rinsing I turn around to have the back of my head facing the shower head. During the turn is when I need to hold onto the rail. If I do not, I loose my balance. Have you ever experienced this? The first time I have ever had this sensation was when I did a lemon drop with my eyes shut. To do a lemon drop stand flat foot, squat down, wrap your arms around your knees and simply lean over the end of the diving board dropping into the water head first. Creepy feeling!

Originally I thought it was the brain injury I suffered from the wreck that was causing issues with my balance. However as I was searching on the internet I discovered balance begins to decline as early as age 50.

Getting dressed is another instance I have noticed my balance is not as good. Standing on one leg while slipping the other into a pant leg is not so easy now. I found when I sit down to put on pants and shoes this works much better. A chair is now part of my dressing routine.

Any chair will do. I follow these steps when getting dressed:

    Sit down;
    Slipping into underwear;
    Putting on pants;

And I do this in the order listed. Yep, the socks before my pants. The pant legs are not in the way while I am putting on socks. And for shoes, I have found the Sketchers Slip Ons a blessing!

My goal is to age gracefully. I will still go to the beauty salon for my low lights and wear my makeup. What I will not do is worry about my wrinkles. Wrinkles are my smile lines and I sure like to smile and laugh! I will have another post on what exercises I do to assist me with my balance and staying active.

The image above is a chair from the library. When I write my posts, I enjoy going to the public library. Even a picture of a chair can look ‘professional’ taken with your phone. Just need to take the shot!

Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo