Get Brain Farts?

Hi, did I get your attention with brain farts? Hahahah, maybe I should have said senior moments!

This is what I will be writing about for this post, forgetting. Thru my life journey, I had the pleasure of experiencing cancer. I say pleasure because I was lucky in the respect of an extended lifetime and cancer brought about changes that I would not have taken if I never had cancer. This can be another post. I mentioned this because I did experience the chemo brain. I had a very difficult time with remembering appointments and simple stuff. Prior to chemo my short term memory was excellent and long term memory ok. But boy, I sure had issues once in remission. As time progressed (like a year after remission) I still experienced the chemo brain. My father who is 20 years my senior said to me, “it could simply be your age.” Either way I had to do what ever I could to remember.

At that time I used many different colored sticky notes. Today, my phone! No need to dig for paper and pencil. Just whip out that phone. See what I mean in this illustration.

Brain farts

When I need to remember something I take the shot. Then I can look at the picture later to recall the desired information I wanted to remember. Or when the print is too small, take a picture of the print and enlarge the picture. This has been a handy one for me! Once I have taken action of the saved info, I delete the image. Here’s another example.

Brain fart

There are many different ways to help with recalling information on the fly. My daughter uses her refrigerator as a white board. She will have a few different to do list written on the front doors of the refrig. Well we have a few different things on our frig. The most common is business cards. There was an exception.

Brain fart list

I’ll keep this picture. My grand-daughter wrote this and now I can keep it forever. Don’t have to worry about loosing it or taking up lots of space. I have added it to my favorites folder!

Cell phones were not common when my kids were younger. Definitely the cell phone we did have back then did not have the camera capability like today. But I could have taken a picture with my 35mm camera, but did not.

Whether you call forgetting things brain farts or senior moments, remember you can take a picture of something that you want to remember. Think smarter, not harder!

Best Wishes, Debra