Give a Stranger a Smile | #40 101 in 1001

Give a Stranger a Smile

Give a Stranger a Smile | #40 101 in 1001

Hi, Saturday I was brainstorming on what I would share with you today. It was while I was standing in line at Casey’s (a nice gas station with drinks and food) the 101 in 1001 idea came to mind. So I instantly knew what I would do for the day and share my experiences.

After pulling up to a pump to fill the car with gas, I went inside to pay. Never do I pay at the pump. There was two at the counter and then two ahead of me. #40 of my 101 in 1001 came to mind. So I said out loud to the two people in front of me that one of my 101 in 1001 is to give a smile to a stranger. One of the two was looking at me, I gave her a smile. The second person turned to look at me and I gave him a huge smile too. Both laughed and we engaged in more small talk that ended up being fun too. As the person paying at the counter was finished, he turned and gave me a huge smile. We all then laughed. It was a spontaneous moment that was a complete success, one I will remember.

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -29.5lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


10 thoughts on “Give a Stranger a Smile | #40 101 in 1001

    1. Hi, Paula. Yes, we did have a fun moment. Especially when the one at the counter turned and gave me a huge smile. That cracked me up, belly laughs! 🙂
      Thank you for visiting and commenting.
      Take care and best wishes.

    1. Paula, yes- it was a fun moment! This was one of my 101 in 1001 goals. Once this list is completed, when I work on the next set, I will add more Christ-like goals. That should also be fun!
      Take care and best wishes.

  1. Awesome! You never know what a smile might do for a person. We practice pay it forward a lot of times when we go out to eat. We’ll look in the restaurant and pick out a table then tell the waiter or waitress that we want to pay for that particular table’s meal. The folks at the table are always so appreciative. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 141. Pinned.

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