He has risen!

Love always, Debra
Revisiting the wishing bench in 2023
Saturday I was not motivated. I had slid back into my funk. It could have been due to me not taking my happy pills the last two days. Needed to get them refilled. Or because my CPAP mask broke. Had to order a new one, took five days to arrive. Whatever the reason, I made myself get out of the house yesterday. Made a list of my to do’s while in Lawrence. It’s more difficult to remember things when I am in this funky mood.
My list included filling Adam’s pillbox, picking up Kevin’s and my prescriptions, picking up grocery order, having lunch with my mom and finally contributing to this week’s blog post. While making my list, the wishing bench popped into mind. It has been more than a couple years since I visited. I wondered if it was still even there. To my surprise, yes!
Below are close up images of this dreamy, happy bench!
If you would like to see the changes over the years, I have included links below to follow my previous visits.
Have you ever seen a bench like this before today, this post? I have not actually sat on the bench to make a wish. My next visit I will plan on making an addition to the set and make my own wish!
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
rather my daughter did.
So many times we look for the perfect picture- smiling, looking at the camera, body positioned perfect, everything juuuuust right. This however, is not always the best picture. The purpose of a picture is to remember a certain point in time- maybe your wedding, or you graduating, a certain point in your family’s journey, or a special vacation. Sometimes, a photograph that captures that specific point in time perfectly is one that is off-center, or one that you are looking away and laughing. These pictures can be perfect without being posed! The most important aspect sometimes is the memory, and the feeling that one picture can bring with it.
As I am packing, getting ready for our move I ran across this image tucked in a drawer. I do not have the original file and as you can tell, there was dust on the picture. Quickly brushed off as much dust as I could and scanned into the computer. Did a small amount of fix up to the image. Erika was on her senior class spring break trip. It was during this trip she took this image- a selfie. One of my absolute favorites of her. This image to me resembles the strong beautiful person she is today. I firmly believe this was at the point my daughter was comfortable with “not being part of the group”.
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra