
aunt Phyllis ashes

Reminiscing | Wonderful Memories

Hi, this week’s post is inspired by the images taken during our trip to my Aunt’s celebration of life in Seattle, Washington. We flew out to visit my cousin and attend the celebration.

Aunt Phyllis

It was during this time we decided to venture out and do a little site seeing. My cousin, Kristi, lives in a smaller community a short drive from Seattle. On the way to Seattle we stopped at the Cedar River Trail in the City of Renton. It was beautiful.


WW Update:
Since Start Date; -25.6 lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, today I am grateful for dreams. One of my 101 in 1001 is to vacation solo. My dreams of doing this has finally come to me needing to take action! I have always had a fear of traveling alone. Even going to see a show alone was something I did not want to do. However, I conquered that in my 101 in 1001 and it was not a bad experience. So I am dreaming of taking a trip. My plan is to go for a short solo venture to someplace in Kansas- most likely a day trip. With this decision made, I am already getting excited!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review: