Coincidence or Divine Intervention?

coincidence or divine intervention

Is it coincidence or divine intervention?

Hi, on Sunday I made good on finding a good Bible based church and Bible study. This is my #50 of my 101 in 1001 goals. I personally do not believe in coincidences. Let me explain why.

During my cancer journey, so many coincidences happened at just the right time. Coincidence 1: Commercial construction had slowed down. Kevin had been laid off from work. He had just returned to work and three weeks later I was diagnosed with cancer.

Coincidence 2: With the lack of work prior, Kevin did not have his 700 hours in to qualify for his insurance premiums to be paid. We had to pay the premium out of pocket for 2 months, still less than the chemo I was getting each month. There was plenty of overtime work for Kevin to reach the 700 hours.

Our family went thru a dark time. It was during this time more coincidences happened. Our son was self medicating. The doctor said it was not a concern of being addicted to ‘drugs’ rather a mental issue.

Coincidence 3: Adam had the same therapist and case manager for 2 years (our darkest). Since then, he has had new therapists about every 6 months. Same with the case managers.

The featured image above was taken at the church I went to this past week. Part of my #50 of my 101 in 1001, attend Bible study. A new church for me. When I walked in, I actually knew several of the members. I felt immediately welcomed, like I was meant to be there.

These were the biggest coincidences with so many more that I have experienced. Too many to ‘not’ believe in God.

For this reason, I say I experienced divine intervention.

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.2 lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Thankful Thanksgiving 2023

thankful thanksgiving

Thankful Thanksgiving 2023

Hi, I hope your Thanksgiving was family filled and joyous. Our Thanksgiving was for sure one to remember. Many wonderful memories made.

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday. Which was totally fine with me. Erika is an RN who worked Thursday evening. I was able to get the house cleaned, table set and food smoked and the baking done in not a rush.

Friday morning we went to one of our favorite restaurants for breakfast. It was decorated for Christmas! Year round the walls are decorated with local interests, local high schools, and all sorts of fun and interesting ‘stuff’. One in particular caught my eye. And after seeing it, I said, thank you God!

Thankful Thanksgiving
Thank you God!

Later in the day, Shaune, our son-in-law, and Briella came to the house. Shaune had a deer tag and wanted to hunt. Brie wanted to go too. They spent Friday and Saturday nights with us. It is so nice to have them over. Erika and Brynlee came and spent Saturday all day with us. My folks and Adam joined us Saturday as well. One photo opportunity I missed was a picture of all of us. Not too many more Thanksgivings will we all be together. I pray Christmas we can get our group picture. My mom has COPD and we burn wood. She was experiencing some difficulties and next year our get together may need to be at my daughter’s home.

Shaune and Brie was successful deer hunting. While I was not with them when the deer was shot, it was fun to listen to them when they came back to the house. We ate breakfast and Kevin took Shaune and Brie down in the tractor to find the deer after it ran. Shaune was able to tag it and take a picture of Brie.

thankful thanksgiving

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Back to the Norm

Back to the Norm

Back to the Norm

Day Out with my Children

Hi, October was my thankful, grateful month. I am back to my usual series of postings that will be available these particular days: Monday, weekly post; Thursday, Tongue-Tied LinkUp Party and Friday, Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic LinkUp Party.

Had a super fun Saturday with just me and my kids. This does not happen too often. I had asked them for a picture of the three of us. Then I wanted to have one of just my two children. It will go well with the past image series.

back to the norm
My Grown Children!

Picnic in the Park

This weekend Kevin asked that I go with him to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless on Sunday. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to go with Kevin more, and Sunday was a nice day for November. This week there was not as many people who went thru the line.

back to the norm
Picnic in the Park
back to the norm
Picnic in the Park

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -26.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 18 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, today I am grateful for dreams. One of my 101 in 1001 is to vacation solo. My dreams of doing this has finally come to me needing to take action! I have always had a fear of traveling alone. Even going to see a show alone was something I did not want to do. However, I conquered that in my 101 in 1001 and it was not a bad experience. So I am dreaming of taking a trip. My plan is to go for a short solo venture to someplace in Kansas- most likely a day trip. With this decision made, I am already getting excited!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 11 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, it’s Day 11 in the practicing gratitude in October. I am grateful for date night.
Seldom can I get Kevin to go on vacations and real dates. We had a real date! 🙂

The wedding I crashed a few weeks ago was at the Lidia’s Italian Restaurant. Lidia and the restaurant celebrated their 25th anniversary. Before leaving the wedding, I booked a reservation for me and Kevin. This was our real date 🙂

I did good! Kevin had a wonderful time. He watches cooking shows on the weekend. Lidia is one of those shows. Normally Kevin will not let anyone take pictures of him. He runs when the camera is pulled out. On our drive to dinner, I asked for one picture of the two of us. He agreed. I was a happy wife!

Lidia's Italian Restaurant
Lidia’s Italian Restaurant

Dinner was delicious. The one picture I missed taking was of the menu.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 6 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 6 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 6 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 4 of 31
Grateful for shelter, food and clothing.

Hi, today I am reminded of what I do have. I am grateful for a home I can return to, be safe in, my happy place. Plenty of food.

Kevin signed up to take hard boiled eggs to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless. Kevin usually brings things others don’t think of and then becomes a hit. Well, I must say, Kevin was not successful this time. He tried to bake the eggs instead of boiling them. He had 12 dozen eggs and did not want to even try boiling them. Today was his first time to bake in oven hard boiled eggs. Facebook recipe said to bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Then put hot eggs in a cold bath. Kevin did as instructed. We went to the park, helped set up. During serving, one person took an egg and jokingly went to hit his head with it. The egg was not hard boiled. Every one who witnessed the scene just laughed and the eggs were pulled from the table. Thank goodness there was plenty of other food there! 🙂 Kevin keeps saying, ‘it’s on FaceBook, it’s got to be true!’ Or not.

Mary Beth, the group organizer said we had approx 170 people come thru our line today. Many different ages of people. Staples provided weekly, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and water to drink. Then there is a sign up sheet for donated prepared food.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review: