Gratitude 25 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Gratitude 25 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 25 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, today I am grateful for technology. I absolutely enjoy the pleasure my laptop, computer gear, cellphone and all the things that go with the techie stuff brings to me. I have been taking digital pictures for over 20 years now. Most of my saved files are on CDs and the newer laptops and PCs do not have the DVD/CD drives anymore. At least my newest laptop does not. My newest techie purchase was the external DVD/CD drive. I had so much fun looking thru my past images last evening and today!

memories gratitude
Just yesterday……..Wonderful Memories.
practicing gratitude 25 of 31
Erika’s 18th Birthday
Practicing Gratitude 25 of 31
My Adult Children

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #2

generic linkup party #2

Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #2

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #2!

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #2!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Things to Consider When Designing & Working with Your Blog

things to consider when designing & working with your blog

Things to Consider When Designing and Working with Your Blog

Hi, have you ever heard, ‘simple is more’ or ‘keep it simple’? These are my golden rules I try to live by and work.

Link Up Parties has provided me the opportunity to visit other blogs. Not every blog is the same. Although there are similarities. The following are my observations and experiences while visiting other sites. Although I am just one person/visitor, others may have the same experiences. A perspective a blog owner should consider.

The blogs I enjoyed the most were simple and minimal. Those attracted me and the content kept my attention. I personally can be easily distracted. Pop up’s and advertisements right in the middle of a blog post was a huge distraction. My tendency would be to skip thru the article, just to get to the comment section to say hi and add my name and website address. Some of the comment sections required me to log into or Blogger or even into Google to add my comment. I don’t use either of those services. The blogs that had this requirement, I did not leave a comment.

Bigger, darker text is easier to read. Simple menus make navigating through the blog a better experience.

Part of having my blog is to meet other bloggers. One of the pages I enjoy going to is the about page. I like to know who I am visiting. For safety reasons, I understand why one would not like to give out too much information. However, a first name would be nice. Have a ‘blog’ name. Please be realistic. For example, my name is, Debra. I could have used Diane. For children, a name other than the real name, but please, don’t use x, y or z child!

Having a contact page is important. The blogs that required a sign in to comment, I would instead reach out to the blog owner using their contact page letting them know I enjoyed their site. I did not want to be one who link up and not thank the hostess.

A home or blog page for posts in chronological order is very user friendly. When I visit the links on a link up party, I will go to look at the about page. After reading about the owner, I like to go back to the linkup party. Without a simple navigation menu with a home or blog page, some sites posed a real challenge to return to the party.

Nice images are important to have. No need to buy a fancy camera. Phone camera’s can take beautiful pictures. However, pay attention to lighting, composition, sharpness. Quality images will add a professional element to your website.

I understand some blogs are an income source and need to generate revenue. The sites I appreciate are the ones who used the footer and/or side bar to place the advertisements. Pop ups are very distracting. Consider placing the Subscribe Form in the side bar or at the bottom of the page.

Good customer service and common courtesy. Should a post engage with visitors visiting and commenting, return the favor and click the link in your admin section to their page and leave a kind word!

Things to Consider When Designing & Working with Your Blog post is about observations that I have made while visiting other blog sites. When you have visited other sites, including this site, what are some of the good things you experienced and what are the least liked?

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -20.8lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Make a List

make a list

Make a List

Hi, have you ever gotten to the store, bought your things and once home you realized you forgot the item you specifically went to get? This is happening to me more than what I like to admit. And it’s not limited to just buying things at the store.

This week I had to run errands. While at the house I thought about all the things I needed to do. The car was on empty, get gas. I like going to Sonic to get a route 44 tea. Then into town to go to the Social Security office. I was prepared to be at the office most of the day. I remembered that line can be extremely long.

I got into the car to leave. My drive will take about 40 minutes. I stopped to get my Sonic route 44. Then as I left Sonic I began to think what I needed to do when I got to the social security office. About 10 minutes into my drive I remembered I needed gas. Uh-oh…..

empty gas tank

I had passed up the last gas station before I got to my destination. As you can see my tank is on empty! I took the picture and probably was not the smartest thing to do while driving. I had approximately 25 miles to go to get to town. Keeping fingers crossed, I did not run out of gas. The first gas station I came to, I stopped and filled up!

Luckily I did not run out of gas. That would not be fun. This has made me think about making a list, shopping and to do list. Which would make shopping easier. The need to remember would be eliminated with just looking at my list!

I must admit the older I get, I recognize changes I am experiencing. Memory loss being one of those. Of course I did Google about age and memory and was comforted to know this is normal for persons 50 and older. If my lists do not help me, I will definitely consult my doctor.

One source I visit often is the Mayo Clinic. This article mentioned misplacing keys, forgetting people’s names but remember them later. This describes me.

A short while ago I did add to my key ring an Apple AirTag. It’s already been helpful. I was at the doctors office and had set my keys down in the lobby. After my appointment I went to my car and could not unlock it. Used my phone to find my keys, worked like a charm!

key ring on chain

Remote Shutter

This week’s WW meeting topic: Single Tasking. I have not heard of this before my meeting. Multi-tasking is a term I am familiar. Single tasking focuses on the moment. My list is multi-tasking. Each item on the list, a single task. Focus on one task at a time and not the whole list. The idea of a single task is to eliminate stress, focus on the moment and stop the squirrel like thoughts running in the mind. Allowing me to focus on the pleasures of the now, not be thinking of other things needing to be done and ruining the pleasures of the moment.

single task

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -11.6lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Get Brain Farts?

Hi, did I get your attention with brain farts? Hahahah, maybe I should have said senior moments!

This is what I will be writing about for this post, forgetting. Thru my life journey, I had the pleasure of experiencing cancer. I say pleasure because I was lucky in the respect of an extended lifetime and cancer brought about changes that I would not have taken if I never had cancer. This can be another post. I mentioned this because I did experience the chemo brain. I had a very difficult time with remembering appointments and simple stuff. Prior to chemo my short term memory was excellent and long term memory ok. But boy, I sure had issues once in remission. As time progressed (like a year after remission) I still experienced the chemo brain. My father who is 20 years my senior said to me, “it could simply be your age.” Either way I had to do what ever I could to remember.

At that time I used many different colored sticky notes. Today, my phone! No need to dig for paper and pencil. Just whip out that phone. See what I mean in this illustration.

Brain farts

When I need to remember something I take the shot. Then I can look at the picture later to recall the desired information I wanted to remember. Or when the print is too small, take a picture of the print and enlarge the picture. This has been a handy one for me! Once I have taken action of the saved info, I delete the image. Here’s another example.

Brain fart

There are many different ways to help with recalling information on the fly. My daughter uses her refrigerator as a white board. She will have a few different to do list written on the front doors of the refrig. Well we have a few different things on our frig. The most common is business cards. There was an exception.

Brain fart list

I’ll keep this picture. My grand-daughter wrote this and now I can keep it forever. Don’t have to worry about loosing it or taking up lots of space. I have added it to my favorites folder!

Cell phones were not common when my kids were younger. Definitely the cell phone we did have back then did not have the camera capability like today. But I could have taken a picture with my 35mm camera, but did not.

Whether you call forgetting things brain farts or senior moments, remember you can take a picture of something that you want to remember. Think smarter, not harder!

Best Wishes, Debra