Hi, I am amazed at how many new foods I have tried. Not all new, but new ways of preparing foods. This is all because of Weight Watchers. One example is the simple banana.🍌 NEVER did it occur to me to eat frozen bananas until I was introduced to delicious smoothies! For sure, today I am grateful for discovering how delicious frozen bananas taste.
Freezing bananas is really simple.
My freezer is not large so I used a regular dinner plate. Peeled the bananas and cut into chunks. Stood the chunks on end on the plate. Set the plate in the freezer for 1 – 2 hours. Placed the banana chunks into a zip lock baggie. As I was sealing the bag shut, pushed as much air from the bag as possible. These will not last long in the freezer!!
Hi, my day began great. I made a chocolate banana smoothie and it was delicious. This set the day off to a wonderful start. For this being a Monday, this small delight was greatly welcomed! For this, I am very grateful.
I had heard of smoothies, but I have never had one. Imagine that! Well, I went to Amazon and bought the Nutribullet Personal Blender. Looked up a Weight Watchers recipe and decided next time my grand daughters came over, I’d have them show me how to use the blender. They have smoothies quite often at their house and I knew Brie would be able to show me!
Did you notice I said chocolate banana smoothie? Chocolate and Weight Watchers do not play well with each other point wise. The recipe called for Whey (protein) and specifically chocolate whey. I had no idea what this was. Let alone if I would like it. And the kicker was, it is expensive, yikes! 😲
Yesterday while Brie was following the recipe, she advised me that you don’t need a recipe, ‘Just add what ever you want, Grandma.’ 😂 Well, this morning I altered the recipe. It called for water 6 oz and then 6 oz milk. Today I did not add the water instead used 12 oz milk. I enjoyed the flavor this morning more so than yesterday’s smoothie.
Here is the altered recipe I used to make my delicious chocolate banana smoothie.
In order shown add the following:
First add 12 oz milk.Next add one scoop of the chocolate whey.Last add 1/2 of medium banana.
The next time I make a smoothie, I will try adding frozen fruit. Per my Google search, the frozen fruit will thicken the drink. I will be doing more searches for smoothies. This new found favorite has me excited to try different variations!
Hi, today I was hungry at lunch time. I’ve been thinking about my scramble egg muffins. With just half an hour for lunch, I did not have time to make the recipe. And a bright idea came to mind, I could microwave my scrambled eggs! My lunch consisted of 4 eggs, peppers, onions and Canadian Bacon. Remember I said I was hungry. 🙂
Today I was grateful for my wonderful scrambled egg lunch. It was delicious. It completely satisfied me and was just two points per Weight Watchers app.
Hi, Day 12 I am grateful for the convenience of grocery shopping since COVID. Tonight I needed to pick up groceries after work. Ever since the COVID era and the changes to how we shop, the pick up method has certainly been one of my favorites. The self check out is my least favorite. Heck, with the pick up not only does the ringing up take place, but the items are picked out and delivered right to my car! 🙂
Hi, it’s Day 11 in the practicing gratitude in October. I am grateful for date night.
Seldom can I get Kevin to go on vacations and real dates. We had a real date! 🙂
The wedding I crashed a few weeks ago was at the Lidia’s Italian Restaurant. Lidia and the restaurant celebrated their 25th anniversary. Before leaving the wedding, I booked a reservation for me and Kevin. This was our real date 🙂
I did good! Kevin had a wonderful time. He watches cooking shows on the weekend. Lidia is one of those shows. Normally Kevin will not let anyone take pictures of him. He runs when the camera is pulled out. On our drive to dinner, I asked for one picture of the two of us. He agreed. I was a happy wife!
Lidia’s Italian Restaurant
Dinner was delicious. The one picture I missed taking was of the menu.
Hi, today I am reminded of what I do have. I am grateful for a home I can return to, be safe in, my happy place. Plenty of food.
Kevin signed up to take hard boiled eggs to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless. Kevin usually brings things others don’t think of and then becomes a hit. Well, I must say, Kevin was not successful this time. He tried to bake the eggs instead of boiling them. He had 12 dozen eggs and did not want to even try boiling them. Today was his first time to bake in oven hard boiled eggs. Facebook recipe said to bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Then put hot eggs in a cold bath. Kevin did as instructed. We went to the park, helped set up. During serving, one person took an egg and jokingly went to hit his head with it. The egg was not hard boiled. Every one who witnessed the scene just laughed and the eggs were pulled from the table. Thank goodness there was plenty of other food there! 🙂 Kevin keeps saying, ‘it’s on FaceBook, it’s got to be true!’ Or not.
Mary Beth, the group organizer said we had approx 170 people come thru our line today. Many different ages of people. Staples provided weekly, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and water to drink. Then there is a sign up sheet for donated prepared food.