Practicing Gratitude 15 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 15 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 15 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, it’s my Day 15 in 31. Today I am grateful for a girls day out! Linda and I went to Powell Gardens.

This is an absolutely beautiful place. The collage above features the chapel that is part of Powell Gardens. The day we were there, the chapel was going to close to the public at 3pm for a wedding. And what a lovely, perfect day for the wedding and wedding pictures. Not too hot for the bride and groom/wedding party for outdoor pictures. And certainly warm enough for the guests to mingle outside for the reception. If I were not with Linda, I would truly have been a wedding crasher that evening! 🙂

Once we arrived, parked and bought our admission tickets, we headed to the chapel first. This was a good walk. Beautiful things to see the whole way. We came upon a young lady having her senior pictures taken. Unlike the bride and groom who more than likely would have many layers on, this high school senior had on a short summer dress. A cold day for that dress!

powell gardens senior picture
High School Senior Pictures

As we were walking, a maintenance worker was driving a golf course coming towards us. Well, I stuck my thumb out like a hitch hiker. He stopped. We asked for a ride back to the visitor building. He did better than that. He gave us a guided tour of the 45 acre botanical gardens!

Powell Gardens
Our tour guide!

To see more pictures taken click the link. More Images.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 11 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, it’s Day 11 in the practicing gratitude in October. I am grateful for date night.
Seldom can I get Kevin to go on vacations and real dates. We had a real date! 🙂

The wedding I crashed a few weeks ago was at the Lidia’s Italian Restaurant. Lidia and the restaurant celebrated their 25th anniversary. Before leaving the wedding, I booked a reservation for me and Kevin. This was our real date 🙂

I did good! Kevin had a wonderful time. He watches cooking shows on the weekend. Lidia is one of those shows. Normally Kevin will not let anyone take pictures of him. He runs when the camera is pulled out. On our drive to dinner, I asked for one picture of the two of us. He agreed. I was a happy wife!

Lidia's Italian Restaurant
Lidia’s Italian Restaurant

Dinner was delicious. The one picture I missed taking was of the menu.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 11 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 10 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 10 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 10 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, it’s day 10 of practicing gratitude. I am grateful for friends. What is a friend? Doing a Google search, Merriam Webster provided several definitions and the one I am referring to is:
: one attached to another by affection or esteem
She’s my best friend.

With this, I have work friends.

Angie is my best friend from work. We are remote, so she is the only one that I have met in person. We call each other practically each day after work. Many times she has helped through a stressful day. We work for child care and the calls can be sad and sometimes abusive. Not every day. There are some really nice callers, but there are days. Over time we have evolved into more than just work friends. We have learned so much about each other as a person and our conversations are more than ‘work’ stuff.

Linda is my best friend from a past work/client relationship. We had our restaurant and Linda would come in every Saturday for a meal with her family of four, husband and two sons. We sold our business and time passed. One day while shopping in Wal-Mart, Linda came up to me and said hi. This was our reunion. We have traveled together and take virtual walks most every day, sometimes twice daily. Linda is available to walk twice daily, me however, I am not a morning person. Several times I did not make it on time to walk. And Linda still calls me her friend 🙂

I have my Weight Watcher friends. These are my newest friends. I just love meeting new people and becoming friends. They are just one of the many reasons I look forward to Saturday!

Not to mention, I have friends from very long ago. These friends I may not speak to them every day, but when we get together it’s comfortable. We pick up right from where we were and go forth. I treasure this so much. They knew me when……. And still care!

Family are my friends.

My adult children are my friends, as well. I say this cautiously. Note I said adult children. When they were minors, I was their parent. A parent must maintain the authority, and being a friend can undermine your role as a parent.

I remember hearing my dad telling my mom, “She’s an adult now. You need to consider her as a friend and not as a child.” I thought that was a wow back then, but now I understand- WOW! I had to recognize that both of my children are grownups, now I can enjoy a true friendship with them. I will always have my motherly love for them, that will never change 🙂

When I was a little girl in Brownies (before Girl Scouts), I remember singing a song:
Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other’s gold.
We would sing this in a round, like Row, Row Your Boat.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 6 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 6 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 6 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 4 of 31
Grateful for shelter, food and clothing.

Hi, today I am reminded of what I do have. I am grateful for a home I can return to, be safe in, my happy place. Plenty of food.

Kevin signed up to take hard boiled eggs to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless. Kevin usually brings things others don’t think of and then becomes a hit. Well, I must say, Kevin was not successful this time. He tried to bake the eggs instead of boiling them. He had 12 dozen eggs and did not want to even try boiling them. Today was his first time to bake in oven hard boiled eggs. Facebook recipe said to bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Then put hot eggs in a cold bath. Kevin did as instructed. We went to the park, helped set up. During serving, one person took an egg and jokingly went to hit his head with it. The egg was not hard boiled. Every one who witnessed the scene just laughed and the eggs were pulled from the table. Thank goodness there was plenty of other food there! 🙂 Kevin keeps saying, ‘it’s on FaceBook, it’s got to be true!’ Or not.

Mary Beth, the group organizer said we had approx 170 people come thru our line today. Many different ages of people. Staples provided weekly, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and water to drink. Then there is a sign up sheet for donated prepared food.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 2 of 31 | 101 in 1001

practicing gratitude 2 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 2 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, day 2 I am grateful for my husband’s kindness for others. He visits Facebook daily. Usually at the end of his day. One evening he saw a post from a high school classmate. The classmate lives in a trailer that suffered wind damage from a recent storm. She had asked for help with the skirting. It had come loose and requested any help. She was not able to afford to pay for the labor at the time. My husband volunteered to assist with the repairs. Well, there was a second storm and she was in a similar situation. Again she posted to Facebook and Kevin volunteered.

Time had passed since the storms. The classmate recently texted Kevin. She had purchased a gift card at a local pub for him and me. I thought this was very considerate of her to include me. Kevin and I had a tasty lunch date because of his kindness for others!

practicing gratitude 2 of 31
I am grateful for my husband’s kindness for others.

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -22lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review:

Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #9

Gma'sPhoto LinkUp Party #9

Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #9

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto Linkup Party #9!


Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party spotlight is on:

How I Did on My Summer Bucket List | My Slices of Life
An End of Summer Epiphany: My Walls, My Door, My Rules | Shelbee on the Edge
On the Go with the Grands! I Spy Fall! | Our Grand Lives

This week’s theme is: LinkUp Your Own Party!

Important things to know:

Posts not adhering to the theme will be removed.
-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Thursday and ends Wednesday. Each week’s theme can be found here.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto LinkUp Party #9!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
