Practicing Gratitude 28 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Practicing Gratitude 28 of 31

Practicing Gratitude 28 of 31 | 101 in 1001

Hi, today I am grateful for getting new tires on my car. This ties into my grateful for work I posted yesterday. I’ve known for a while that my tires were needing replaced. Just spending so much money is hard to part with. Today I bit the bullet.

Kevin wanted me to get Michelin. I had gone to my local Big O Tires. The Michelin tires I had on the car, Big O’s did not have 4 in stock. It would have been next week and I wanted to get tires today. I ended up going with the Big O Tire brand. These are 75,000 mile tires. Michelin would have been 80,000.

While waiting, I met a real nice lady. She was very patient with me while I told her about my Weight Watcher journey. I just came from my weekly meeting and I can officially say I have lost 25 lbs since my start date! Our visit was very pleasurable. I have gained a new friend. The Good Lord does work in mysterious ways. We knew many of the same people even though this was our first meeting.

The Good Lord works in mysterious ways!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -25.6lbs
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


October in review: