
disenchantment pipes and drums


Hi, what I was looking forward to ended in being a total disenchantment. Saturday I was bored. After searching the internet for events in my area, I found this first annual pipes and drum fundraiser. I was stoked to hear me some bagpipes. I planned a late lunch date for myself. When I arrived at the fundraiser, I asked the waitress to seat me where I can hear the pipes. I elected to sit at the bar.

The event was scheduled 2 to 6pm. Naturally I thought I could arrive any time during the event and expect to hear the pipes and drum. Certainly- if no music, then some sort of program information about pipes and drum, right? Nothing. I arrived at 2:15 pm. The bartender handed me the menu, I ordered, ate and still no pipes. Eventually I paid and left. On my way out of the tavern, I seen a firefighter. It was then that I was able to tell him I was disappointed. Disenchantment really. Needless to say, they did not receive any funds from me.

Heck, after proof reading my post, I’m wondering why am I even writing about this letdown. Expectations. This is why. Hopefully when an event is planned and the event is publicly posted, the planners will learn from the experience I had.

Now, on the upside of this disenchantment, my meal was delicious!

Delicious Chicken Quesadilla

One of the workers noticed me taking this image inside Johnny’s Tavern. He explained this is the original brick wall of the original Johnny’s Tavern. The building is 134 years old. The brick was in outstanding condition. All that was needed was brushing, cleaning and a finish applied to the brick. Looks fabulous!

Johnny's Tavern
The original Johnny’s Tavern

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Scarborough Fair

Scarborough fair

Scarborough Fair | My Sunday Snapshot 17

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 17. This week’s image was taken while my grand daughter was practicing her piano. I knew she was playing the piano and practiced every Sunday. It’s just been a while since I have heard her play. My youngest was the first to practice. Upon her request, I did not go downstairs to watch and listen to her.

Fortunately, I could hear while upstairs. The sound was lovely. When it came time for Briella to practice, she did ask me to go with her. She had three songs she practiced. Wow, I was mesmerized. It wasn’t until after she was finished that I thought to record. So I asked Brie to play the Scarborough Fair again. She told me she plays slow to concentrate on her finger placement. Then she will bring the tempo up. I like the slower tempo and told her so. If you would like to hear Brie play, click the center triangle (or center of below image) to start the video.

She’s just 12 and I am so proud of her. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 17

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