Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.
Hi, what I was looking forward to ended in being a total disenchantment. Saturday I was bored. After searching the internet for events in my area, I found this first annual pipes and drum fundraiser. I was stoked to hear me some bagpipes. I planned a late lunch date for myself. When I arrived at the fundraiser, I asked the waitress to seat me where I can hear the pipes. I elected to sit at the bar.
The event was scheduled 2 to 6pm. Naturally I thought I could arrive any time during the event and expect to hear the pipes and drum. Certainly- if no music, then some sort of program information about pipes and drum, right? Nothing. I arrived at 2:15 pm. The bartender handed me the menu, I ordered, ate and still no pipes. Eventually I paid and left. On my way out of the tavern, I seen a firefighter. It was then that I was able to tell him I was disappointed. Disenchantment really. Needless to say, they did not receive any funds from me.
Heck, after proof reading my post, I’m wondering why am I even writing about this letdown. Expectations. This is why. Hopefully when an event is planned and the event is publicly posted, the planners will learn from the experience I had.
Now, on the upside of this disenchantment, my meal was delicious!
Delicious Chicken Quesadilla
One of the workers noticed me taking this image inside Johnny’s Tavern. He explained this is the original brick wall of the original Johnny’s Tavern. The building is 134 years old. The brick was in outstanding condition. All that was needed was brushing, cleaning and a finish applied to the brick. Looks fabulous!
Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 22! After our July Summer Party, I drove Adam home. Seems like every year the City of Lawrence always has some sort of road construction taking place. This year it is affecting my drive time each drive thru Lawerence. Each store I shop, my parents home and where Adam is living is on the north side of Lawrence. The road under construction is 6th street (40 HWY).
It’s a long street!
Each intersection stop light must be synced the whole stretch of the street. The speed limit is 25, the drive is non stop which is nice. If the travel was stopped at each or every other intersection, the traffic would be horrible. As it is, it’s tolerable.
Have a wonderful week!
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.
Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto! Do you know who Evel Knievel is? My grand girls had no idea. Back in the 70’s I was in grade/middle school. I remember him as the one who rode motorcycles and got hurt! The Evel Knievel Museum is currently located in Topeka, KS. That’s in my back yard so to speak. My daughter and her husband was headed to western KS for the weekend. I had the whole weekend with my girls! 🙂
Kevin and I were talking about the weekend and what we could do with the girls. This museum came up in our conversation. Evel Knievel Museum will be open in Topeka until November 2, 2024 and then will relocate to Las Vegas in 2025. This will be a good time to visit Evel Knievel while it is still local!
For the one who rode motorcycles and got hurt, see just how many times! Injury Legend
For who is Evel Knievel, here is a bit of info about him.
Evel Knievel was the first live person to be featured as a “Super Hero” action figure. Evel made more from his royalties than from his daredevil stunts.
Click the red button to view more images.
This excursion was more fun than I thought it would be. The girls even had a fun time. To see all the pictures taken, click the red banner above.
Oh, the museum exited thru the Harley Davidson Dealership. I found my next ride. It would be a special order color, powder pink….
Hi, I had the fun experience while running an errand for my son. This errand took me to Topeka, KS. This city holds a special spot in my heart. First and foremost this is where my daughter and her family call home. Topeka is a city of history as well. #15 of my 101 in 1001 can be checked off!
While in Topeka I decided to visit the state capitol. The dome was my interest on this trip. For many years the dome was a lime green color. After the restoration, the dome is a dark brown. I wanted to get up close and see the changes.
The images of Notable Kansans and of First Peoples were hanging on stone walls.
Briella, Brynlee and I were successful in climbing all 296 steps to the top of the dome!
To see images of us while climbing the steps to the dome and other pictures, click Kansas Capitol Gallery
We discovered after this climb, Brynlee is afraid of heights. Regardless, she was a trooper!
Hi, this week’s post is inspired by the images taken during our trip to my Aunt’s celebration of life in Seattle, Washington. We flew out to visit my cousin and attend the celebration. Aunt Phyllis
It was during this time we decided to venture out and do a little site seeing. My cousin, Kristi, lives in a smaller community a short drive from Seattle. On the way to Seattle we stopped at the Cedar River Trail in the City of Renton. It was beautiful.