Selfies, take part in pictures!
Hi, if you are like me as you are looking back on the pictures taken, none of them have you as the photographer in them. One way to create better images for memories sake is being in the image. That’s why my post, selfie pictures.
As simple as this sounds, getting the best selfie is an art. My daughter said practice taking selfies and watch YouTube! There are lots of YouTube tutorials. My plan is first give you pointers today. As I add posts that include pictures, I will provide the techniques used to get that shot.
For example, this image of me to the left, I used my selfie stick. I am the grandma with a big purse! Actually the selfie stick folds up pretty small. Not only can I use it for selfies, it’s a tripod as well. I have been able to take pictures of a larger group of family and friends.
In addition to using a selfie stick, I have learned that having a ring holder on the back of my phone helps me hand hold the phone while taking pictures overall. PopSockets is another good option for stabilizing your phone while taking a picture.
In this next set of pictures, I was trying to figure out where to look and how to hold the phone for just the right pose.
You might be wondering why would you want a selfie? I like to have a picture reminding me of a fun time I shared with a friend.
We are our own self critics. And we are too critical. Just take the shot. Later you will be thankful for that! Here are just a few I enjoy looking at time again.

Best wishes, Debra
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