Practicing Gratitude 8 of 31 | 101 in 1001

My children were in daycare at 6 weeks old. Both me and my husband worked full time. His income paid for the house, utilities and all property taxes. My income paid for groceries, daycare and health insurance. We never had the newest home nor vehicles. Kevin worked then and still does in construction. The possibility of Kevin getting laid off was great. If Kevin was laid off, he would have the kids and the daycare payment would then be applied to the house payment. Fast forward to June 2003.
I was working for our family business my father started, mom and pop restaurant. Dad was taking more time off. Many evenings I worked late because some 16 year old kid did not show for work. Our children were in 9th grade and Senior year. I had just turned 39. With activities I was winded. Just thought I was getting older and out of shape was the reason.
I had an immense amount of pressure on my chest. My asthma began to bother me. I had woke up one Tuesday morning with chest pain. I made an appointment to go to the doctor. The appointment was for the next day, Wednesday. Tuesday late afternoon I had called Kevin and asked him to come straight home. Once he got home I asked him to take me to the hospital. That was the beginning of my cancer journey.
My parents and I sold the business. I worked but went to being a receptionist part time. And it was a Monday thru Friday job, 8am to noon, holidays off. I was up at the school house every afternoon to attend the school activities the kids were involved with. Did not miss a single one!
So the reason I am grateful for my cancer, I spent the whole school year and the following summer with my kids. Something I would not have done if I was working full time like my whole adult life until that June 2003.
About the doll: I lost all of my hair during chemo. My hair dresser, Nancy, told me when it was time to let her know. She had me come in before hours, locked the door and shut the blinds. We cut all my hair off. My mom was with me and she requested to keep my hair. Later mom found someone who stitched my hair onto this doll. Mom later said she wished she got a doll with blue eyes to match me!
I did not like the doll for the longest time. Brought too many negative thoughts to my mind. It represented pain. Well fast forward to about 3 months ago. Mom has gotten in the mood to get rid of many of her things. The doll came up. She was going to get rid of her. I told mom I was ready to take her. Yes, I still remember the pain, but I have so many wonderful memories with my kids I would not have had if it were not for the cancer.
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
October in review:

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