Practicing Gratitude 23 of 31 | 101 in 1001
Hi, my day began great. I made a chocolate banana smoothie and it was delicious. This set the day off to a wonderful start. For this being a Monday, this small delight was greatly welcomed! For this, I am very grateful.
I had heard of smoothies, but I have never had one. Imagine that! Well, I went to Amazon and bought the Nutribullet Personal Blender. Looked up a Weight Watchers recipe and decided next time my grand daughters came over, I’d have them show me how to use the blender. They have smoothies quite often at their house and I knew Brie would be able to show me!
Did you notice I said chocolate banana smoothie? Chocolate and Weight Watchers do not play well with each other point wise. The recipe called for Whey (protein) and specifically chocolate whey. I had no idea what this was. Let alone if I would like it. And the kicker was, it is expensive, yikes! 😲
Yesterday while Brie was following the recipe, she advised me that you don’t need a recipe, ‘Just add what ever you want, Grandma.’ 😂 Well, this morning I altered the recipe. It called for water 6 oz and then 6 oz milk. Today I did not add the water instead used 12 oz milk. I enjoyed the flavor this morning more so than yesterday’s smoothie.
Here is the altered recipe I used to make my delicious chocolate banana smoothie.
In order shown add the following:

The next time I make a smoothie, I will try adding frozen fruit. Per my Google search, the frozen fruit will thicken the drink. I will be doing more searches for smoothies. This new found favorite has me excited to try different variations!
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
October in review:

Practicing Gratitude 23 of 31 | 101 in 1001
Chocolate and bananas go together like soup and sandwich!! Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner party.
Hi, Helen. You are most welcome.
Take care and best wishes.
I love a smoothie, basically, I enjoy one for breakfast daily. In fact, I am sitting with one as I am typing away here.
I visited you via Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
I linked up this week with = 62+63. Come and join us Mon – Saturday at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING
What recipe do you follow? What is your favorite combination? I am really liking the chocolate whey. I recently added frozen dark sweet cherries with banana and this is so delicious!
I love my NutriBullet, it’s fast and easy. And, your granddaughter is correct, you can add lots of different things. I especially like to add kale and baby spinach. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 135. Pinned.
So when you make a smoothie, what recipe do you follow? I’m curious what you add with the kale and baby spinach.
I love smoothies. Sadly no bananas in them, though. Bananas don’t like me 🙂
Hello, Ms. Ratnamurti! Thank you for visiting and commenting. I had gone to your site and read your ‘The Weight Loss Chronicles’. I thought I had commented. Did I not comment correctly? I, too, have a digestive disorder. Mine can be controlled with the foods I eat. However, stress does create issues and no matter what food I eat, my Crohn’s will flare. Not fun. So I have just a bit of an idea of what you have experienced. I am glad to know you are doing better.
Take care and best wishes.