My Journey

My Journey

Hi, I am just beginning to comprehend my weight loss will be a journey, a long journey. I never really thought about Weight Watchers. As I mentioned in the previous post it was a friend who returned to the program and that is what prompted me to join. Saturday I went to my meeting. The meetings are for support. And I have come to understand I need this support.

The first person I met at my meetings is sitting behind me in the bottom right picture, Patty. She has lost 85 pounds since she began the program. That was a year ago. At these meetings I was advised that during my journey I will loose some weight and there will be times I will gain. This past Saturday was a week I gained 1.4lbs. My all time weight tally to date, -3lbs.

my journey

Knowing my personality, this will need to be kept real simple. Measuring out my foods is not simple. I have been giving this some thought. Rather lots of thoughts. Here are a few ways I found to help me with measuring.


The jars are 8oz. I will be using this jar for all drinks, water will be the exception. Simple to measure, if only 4oz I can eyeball that pretty close! The clear cups are 2oz. This will be for food items like salad dressings and cheese. I am sure I will be able to use with other foods as well. When I order my deli meat, once sliced I request the clerk to show me how many slices is 4oz.

I was discouraged to say the least with my gain. With the encouragements from fellow members, I will continue to track my food, stay within my points. My journey is a work in progress.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

13 thoughts on “My Journey

  1. Best of luck! I joined WW in 2019 and the measuring/ eyeballing has gotten so much easier! It’s funny but even when I’m serving dinner to the whole family now I use measuring cups to scoop out our rice or pasta and things like that; it’s just as easy to use as a spoon and why not teach them portion control along the way too?!

    1. Hi Joanne! Are you still a WW member? Their app is the best tool for me. I have used other tracking apps and counting calories did not work for me. Now the point system WW uses, this has worked so much better for me. I am being successful with my loss, hooray for me! 🙂 I actually am trying to use more measuring tools instead of just spoons for my sugar, flour and oatmeal containers. Keeping it simple is best for me. Thanks for visiting my site!

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