Homemade Weed Killer

homemade weed killer

Homemade Weed Killer

Hi, they say April showers bring May flowers. Right now I need weed control! Kevin uses Roundup. But with all of his chores, he doesn’t spray as much as I would like. It was Easter weekend, my dad was telling us of the homemade weed killer he tried and said worked. So this is what I am going to try in a selected area of our driveway. Our driveway is gravel and all those pesky weeds are growing up between the rocks.

homemade weed killerThe Recipe:
White Vinegar 1 gallon
Table Salt 2 Cups
Dishwashing Liquid A good squirt.
Hot Water I used half a gallon to dissolve the salt before mixing with vinegar.
Sprayer I bought a 1 1/2 gallon sprayer.

It is not recommended spraying this homemade weed killer on concrete (sidewalk or driveway) or where you do want plants to grow (in your garden).

As you see, I will need to give it one more application.

Have you tried this homemade weed killer recipe? How did it work for you?

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


10 thoughts on “Homemade Weed Killer

  1. Thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday, great to meet you. My husband recently used vinegar only (after my begging him not to use toxic chemicals in an area where many children pass, the boy that would spray it, yikes) and it really worked, though happy to try your advice as well!

    1. You are most welcome. I appreciate you visiting and commenting! Honestly, sometimes simple is more. Like your husband with the vinegar and weeds, my husband did similar with the bathroom issue we were having. We live in an old farm house that the previous owners had added to the home and updated the rest of the house. The bathroom however, does not have one of those exhaust fans to draw the moisture from hot showers. I noticed small mildew spots on the shower ceiling. I Googled for something to remove the spots. Found one and had bought all the ingredients. Well, when I was ready to use my solution, Kevin had already gone into the bathroom and used just plain bleach. He bought an empty spray bottle and used that to squirt on the ceiling. After a minute or two he wiped it all off. And it did the job! Now when we take showers, we leave the bathroom door open. It’s just the two of us, so no issues there! 🙂

    1. This did work for me. I was rather surprised. It did take more than one application. Thank you for stopping by and visiting. Your needle work is amazing!
      Take care and best wishes.

  2. I wish it worked but we’ve tried it and it does nothing to the weeds here. We’ve sprayed so much vinegar around here that it smells like a kraut or pickle factory 🙂 Roundup doesn’t work either. Anyway, glad it works for you! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 128. Pinned.

    1. It takes two applications. I have included how the weed looks with one. I should have taken a picture after the second application. they will grow back so it’s not a one and done chore. I need to do this about every week in July. We host a summer pool firework party for the 4th of July. So I work on the pool area and where everyone will park and walk. Then after July, I slack with the weed grooming 🙂

  3. I’m definitely going to try this in my gravel driveway! Thanks for sharing this recipe – I’ve chose to feature your post at our Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #495 which goes live on Sunday, congrats!

    1. Thank you, Katie! I wanted to tell you thanks for hosting your party but I missed seeing where I could add my comment to the party post. Did I just overlook this?

      My husband thought my recipe was silly. When I use it, I have to put two applications on. Letting the first one dry overnight. Then the next day I spray again. Been working for me!

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