Practicing Gratitude 25 of 31 | 101 in 1001
Hi, today I am grateful for technology. I absolutely enjoy the pleasure my laptop, computer gear, cellphone and all the things that go with the techie stuff brings to me. I have been taking digital pictures for over 20 years now. Most of my saved files are on CDs and the newer laptops and PCs do not have the DVD/CD drives anymore. At least my newest laptop does not. My newest techie purchase was the external DVD/CD drive. I had so much fun looking thru my past images last evening and today!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
October in review:

I am grateful for technology too; though I can’t say I always love it since I can get quite frustrated when I can’t get it to do what I want it to.
If I knew now back then, I would have went to school for digital arts. Possibly into web designing too! I absolutely enjoy taking pictures and then working on my websites.
Thank you for visiting and commenting. Take care and best wishes.