Take the Shot

Take shot

The best place to start taking better pictures is simply to take the shot. Any shot is better than not taking a shot at all.

Take shot

My goal is to take one image each time I leave my home. This may be when Kevin and I go for breakfast or lunch. Other times when I take a walk in the pasture, around the farm. This post image is my favorite entrée at the Aqua Mexican Grill and Cantina, the beef quesadilla.

The picture is straight from the phone camera. No editing. Image was cropped to make two images. Camera (iPhone) settings used: photo, 1x lens, Live Photo off. I let the camera’s auto function do the rest. While framing the image, it was necessary to move the phone to avoid getting its shadow in the picture.

Just because my phone is with me, I still have to remember to take the shot. It’s second nature for the younger generation. For us baby boomers, we have to train ourselves to take the shot! Taking the shot is better than not. Now I have a visual to add to my memory of my yesterday’s lunch date with Kevin.

What’s your favorite meal? Have you taken a picture of the food you like to eat? Please share!

This is the original image from the phone used for the collage at the beginning of this post. Here you can see a bit of the phone’s shadow in the bottom right side. I was able to crop the same image twice. Creating two different images for the collage. Notice in the collage the phone shadow is not shown. With simple cropping, I was able to make the picture look better.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Old Barn

old barn

Hi, I am cheating a bit. Supposed to be a Wordless post- however, I was just so excited with these pictures of old barn & farm buildings. Every day I drive by these and always say to myself, “I want to take pictures of this place.” Well, last night was the night. The sun was just beautiful. Now I want to have enlargements made and hang on my wall! Below is the complete set of old farm pictures taken.

old barn

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
