

Generations | My Sunday Snapshot #40

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot! Family time. I truly enjoy family time. My mother rarely likes to have her picture taken. This time was different. Here is a picture showing the four generations of ladies in my family.

We were sitting in the living room and my daughter suggested we stand up from shortest to tallest. My phone was in my purse. As we were getting in line, I rushed to get my phone. Tossed it over to my son-in-law. Asked him to take the shot. He did!

Erika (daughter) had Briella (grand daughter) stand beside my mother. Briella has gained some height in the past several months. She’s the tallest of us now!!

Years ago my mother had collected many different pictures of family members. She cut around the people in the image eliminating excess space. She then put them all together, creating a collage of sorts. Framed the collage. She was pointing out people and naming them for Brynlee.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 40

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Importance of Family and Memories

family picture humor

Importance of Family and Memories

Importance of Family and Memories

Hi, Welcome to Gma’sPhoto! All joking aside, family portraits are important. Autumn is just around the corner. One of the most desired season for family portraits. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas, both holidays the family gathers. What an opportunity for that family photo!

It is recommended while children are young, to have a family portrait taken at minimum, once a year. As children age, every other year. Once the children are adults, every five years. As a retired professional photographer, and as a senior aged grandma, I know how time does not stand still. Having these memories, priceless.

You may be thinking that professional portraits are expensive. Yes, it can be. However, this is not the only option you have. Other choices would include a friend taking the images. Setting up a tripod and using the camera timer. Even a selfie stick works! The important thing is, you have that family picture!

Let’s talk about the ‘professional’ portrait. What is a professional image anyway? They look nice. They can cost more money. The actual image quality is better. What if I can explain how you can achieve these qualities yourself? 🙂 One can create beautiful images on a budget or spend as much as you wish. Remember, it’s taking the shot that is important. I’ll be referencing past posts and images I have taken over the years as an example.

kevin's siblings
Kevin’s Siblings and Parents.

This image was taken because of the opportunity. Getting the shot was the goal. No planning. No clothing coordination. It was taken just this past Fourth of July. The family does not live close. Aging parents. Next year we may or may not be able to replicate this same shot. I took this photo with my iPhone. It was printed (at Walmart) and added to my family photo book.

buck family picture

Again, this image was taken for the opportunity. Kevin took the image as he is not one to like having his picture taken. It was with the iPhone. Printed at Walmart and put in frame bought at Walmart as well.

This next set of images, I had spent more time and money on the images and presentation.

family pictures over time

Top image is of my grand daughter when she was five years old. Planning her clothing was not intentional. She wore her favorite color, purple. I did use my ‘professional’ camera. The image was printed thru This is a pro-consumer photography lab. For the frame, I had Hobby Lobby make it using oak wood to match my dinning room furniture.

The bottom three images were taken at Kmart years ago. Again, the frame was from Hobby Lobby. Not custom, one already made and was bought at half price. Hobby Lobby has some of the best deals!

The next set of images were again taken with my ‘professional’ camera and lighting. It is the framing I would like to bring your attention to.

young adults

It was during Adam’s senior year of high school. The senior session time! His was taken on location. Erika’s image was while we were at my folks house and I was testing my new studio lights. It was taken during the time Erika attended college. Now the surprising fact regarding the frames. These were purchased from a thrift store. Yes, that is right! These were probably the least expensive frames I ever bought.

family pictures

The next example is the one I did spend more time with planning. Planning the location, clothing, camera settings and time of day. The frame was planned as well. It was printed as a 30×36 wall print then custom framed by Hobby Lobby. The plans for the frame is reusing. Each new family portrait will replace the existing. So even though the frame was an expense, it will be used repeatedly.

main family portrait

It’s time for me to begin planning our next family portrait. It’s been five years since this one was taken!

Hopefully, with these examples, I have shown that no matter the equipment and price involved, nice images can be taken. What the images did not explain is how to plan for the clothing, what to wear. Check out the What to Wear series for inspiration for your next family photo!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Evel Knievel Museum

Evel Knievel
Evel Knievel gallery
Click red button to view more images.

Evel Knievel Museum

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto! Do you know who Evel Knievel is? My grand girls had no idea. Back in the 70’s I was in grade/middle school. I remember him as the one who rode motorcycles and got hurt! The Evel Knievel Museum is currently located in Topeka, KS. That’s in my back yard so to speak. My daughter and her husband was headed to western KS for the weekend. I had the whole weekend with my girls! 🙂

Kevin and I were talking about the weekend and what we could do with the girls. This museum came up in our conversation. Evel Knievel Museum will be open in Topeka until November 2, 2024 and then will relocate to Las Vegas in 2025. This will be a good time to visit Evel Knievel while it is still local!

visit Evel Knievel

For the one who rode motorcycles and got hurt, see just how many times!

Injury index
Injury Legend

For who is Evel Knievel, here is a bit of info about him.

About evel knievel

Evel Knievel was the first live person to be featured as a “Super Hero” action figure. Evel made more from his royalties than from his daredevil stunts.

Evel Knievel royalties

Evel Knievel gallery
Click the red button to view more images.

This excursion was more fun than I thought it would be. The girls even had a fun time. To see all the pictures taken, click the red banner above.

Oh, the museum exited thru the Harley Davidson Dealership. I found my next ride. It would be a special order color, powder pink….

Harley-Davidson Tri Glide

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Scarborough Fair

Scarborough fair

Scarborough Fair | My Sunday Snapshot 17

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 17. This week’s image was taken while my grand daughter was practicing her piano. I knew she was playing the piano and practiced every Sunday. It’s just been a while since I have heard her play. My youngest was the first to practice. Upon her request, I did not go downstairs to watch and listen to her.

Fortunately, I could hear while upstairs. The sound was lovely. When it came time for Briella to practice, she did ask me to go with her. She had three songs she practiced. Wow, I was mesmerized. It wasn’t until after she was finished that I thought to record. So I asked Brie to play the Scarborough Fair again. She told me she plays slow to concentrate on her finger placement. Then she will bring the tempo up. I like the slower tempo and told her so. If you would like to hear Brie play, click the center triangle (or center of below image) to start the video.

She’s just 12 and I am so proud of her. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 17

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Sidewalk Chalk Masterpiece | 101 in 1001

sidewalk chalk masterpiece

Sidewalk Chalk Masterpiece | 101 in 1001

Hi, I’m so excited for this wonderful time with my daughter and grand daughter. We had planned to meeting up at my folks house today. Beautiful day outside. Erika brought some sidewalk chalk. It just happened that I was able to mark off #9 from my 101 in 1001 goal list.

Erika had Brynlee lay on the driveway and she drew around her, making an outline.

sidewalk chalk masterpiece
Making an outline of Brynlee.

Brynlee then drew my shadow’s outline. The image of me standing with arms up and out with the shadow, Brnlee took the picture. After drawing other art, I had Brnlee stand where I was standing with her shadow over my shadow’s outline. Couldn’t get her to understand the sun shifted. 🙂

more sidewalk art

The two horizontal images, Brynlee wanted us to draw rabbits. Top right, Erika’s art, bottom left mine is the face outline and Brynlee’s is above the flowers.

sidewalk chalk art
Fun creating sidewalk chalk masterpieces!

Memories made!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Go Back

go back beach

Go Back | My Sunday Snapshot #11

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 11!

Looking through pictures on my phone, I ran across my Florida trip images. There are so many pictures I want to save to an external storage. Even with my cloud storage, there’s something about saving to my own drive, security. Who knows, those services may raise the price to an amount I would not be willing to pay. I would still have access to my memories. After reminiscing- Oh, how I want to go back.

go back beach side

go back sand castle

go back to feeling sand
I can still remember how the sand feels.
go back sunrise
Beautiful Sunrise

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra


my snapshot Sunday
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 11

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