Back to the Norm

Back to the Norm

Back to the Norm

Day Out with my Children

Hi, October was my thankful, grateful month. I am back to my usual series of postings that will be available these particular days: Monday, weekly post; Thursday, Tongue-Tied LinkUp Party and Friday, Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic LinkUp Party.

Had a super fun Saturday with just me and my kids. This does not happen too often. I had asked them for a picture of the three of us. Then I wanted to have one of just my two children. It will go well with the past image series.

back to the norm
My Grown Children!

Picnic in the Park

This weekend Kevin asked that I go with him to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless on Sunday. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to go with Kevin more, and Sunday was a nice day for November. This week there was not as many people who went thru the line.

back to the norm
Picnic in the Park
back to the norm
Picnic in the Park

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -26.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #7

ge•ner•ic Linkup Party

Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #7

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #7!

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #7!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Cameras Then & Now

How many of you know the history of photography? Below are 10 fun facts*  about photography…can you imagine what the inventor of the camera would think of today’s variety of cameras?!?

  • An Arab physicist, Ibn al-Haytham, published his Book of Optics in 1021 AD. He created the first pinhole camera after observing how light traveled through a window shutter
  • The earliest cameras were room-sized, with space for one or more people inside
  • The first camera that was small and portable enough to be practical for photography was envisioned by Johann Zahn in 1685, however The first photograph was clicked by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the year 1814. Sadly,  there was no way to save the image.
  • The first partially successful photograph of a camera image was made in approximately 1816 by Nicéphore Niépce, using a very small camera of his own making and a piece of paper coated with silver chloride, which darkened where it was exposed to light. This too would eventually darken and the picture would be lost.
  • View from the Window at Le Gras is a heliographic image and the oldest surviving camera photograph. It was created by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827 at Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, France, and shows parts of the buildings and surrounding countryside of his estate, Le Gras, as seen from a high window.
  • The use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1889. His first camera, which he called the “Kodak,” was first offered for sale in 1888.
  • A number of manufacturers started to use 35mm film for still photography between 1905 and 1913. The first 35mm cameras available to the public, and reaching significant numbers in sales was in 1913.
  • The first TLR camera came out in 1928.  The first SLR camera debuted in 1933 and instant cameras hit the market in 1944.
  • The first digital camera ever sold was in 1987.
  • In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS (Kodak Digital Camera System), the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies, often Nikons. It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor, had a bulky external digital storage system and was priced at $13,000.
  • **Facts and Pictures provided by wikipedia**

    What to Wear | November

    what to wear November 23

    What to Wear | November

    What to Wear will feature different palettes providing ideas when you plan the wardrobe for individual pictures or your family images during the holiday gatherings.

    What to Wear | November features ideas for all family members: mom; dad; big brother; big sister and little brother and little sister. Have fun preparing your stylish look for family pictures!

    It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for better images. When planning the wardrobe, do wash and dry the clothing. Immediately after drying, hang the clothes on a hanger. Or iron, if you like. The main goal is wrinkle free clothing.

    Shoes do not need to be new either. New shoe laces is an inexpensive purchase to spruce up the look. Polishing leather or washing canvas shoes is another solution to brighten their appearance.

    Have the socks match either the pants or shoes. This is important for anyone who may be sitting or squatting in the group. Imagine if the pants are navy blue, shoes white and you see bright green socks. Very distracting. Your eyes will go straight to the green socks and not the person’s face! However, if the socks were either white (matching shoes) or navy blue (matching pants), your eyes will flow over the person and land on the face/eyes of the person in the picture.

    Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
    Gma’s photo


    Practicing Gratitude 31 of 31 | 101 in 1001

    Practicing Gratitude 31 of 31

    Practicing Gratitude 31 of 31 | 101 in 1001

    Hi there! It’s funny how I can go from frozen favs to hot favs. Today I am grateful for my little Mr. Coffee and hot chocolate! I don’t do coffee but use my pot for hot chocolate, hot cider and hot tea on cold days.

    Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
    Gma’s photo


    October in review:

    Practicing Gratitude 30 of 31 | 101 in 1001

    Practicing Gratitude 30 of 31

    Practicing Gratitude 30 of 31 | 101 in 1001

    Hi, today I am grateful for humor. Humor can certainly lighten the mood! A friend sends daily emails with inspiration. And today she sent the following image.

    I had just gone over to my thermostat and considered adjusting it! Then I got this email 🙂 We keep our thermostat around 62 – 64. Normally Kevin will light the wood stove to supplement the furnace heat. Today I pulled out the sweatshirt, and layered with a t-shirt, sweatpants, socks and slippers. I kept comfortable. Getting a tease of colder weather and not liking it.

    WW Update:
    Since Start Date; -25.6lbs

    Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
    Gma’s photo


    October in review: