Practicing Gratitude 22 of 31 | 101 in 1001
Hi, this was a wonderful weekend. Simply perfect weather, family time and good food! I am grateful for the time spent with my husband, son, daughter, son n law and grand girls.
Shaune (son n law) will be going pheasant hunting opening weekend and wanted to get Hazel (German short hair) some training/practice in prior to the hunting weekend. So they came out to work Hazel. Of course Kevin and I was happy to have them out. I called Adam to invite him over and he also joined us.
Erika and her family went down to the pond/cabin before we ate dinner. She shared the above images with me. After they finished working Hazel they came back to the house and we ate the roast lunch Kevin made. Yesterday we had green bean casserole left over from his work’s picnic. We finished that up with the roast. Good food today and yesterday!
Not often do we get Kevin in photos. Erika had taken the below image as well. I appreciate any time and any image taken of Kevin.
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra