Party Etiquette

party etiquette

Party Etiquette

party etiquitte

Hi, welcome to the topic of Party Etiquette. I was thinking about parties with May having so many graduations. Summer holidays just around the corner. And of course, June is the month for weddings. For the online social bloggers, we have linkup parties! 🙂

Have you ever wondered how to behave? What you should or should not say? Below are party tips to make you the best guest, one who is always welcome to social gatherings.

RSVP let the host know if you will be attending or not.

Be On Time or 10 to 15 minutes after the start time. The host will most likely be doing last minute decorating.

Mingle visit everyone do not dominate a select few.

Be Present Keep the cell phone tucked away.

Engage actively take part in conversations. Look people in the eye when you speak with them.

Enjoy Yourself smile, do not stand in a corner.

Exit Graciously notice when guests begin to leave. The host provided an invite with start and end times. Be courteous and not overstay the welcome.

Say Thanks. The host took the time to plan a get together. Let the host know that you enjoyed the party and thank them for inviting you.

You may wonder with modern times post COVID, what are tips for the online social gatherings. I can think of two different types: family / friends via Zoom or some such platform and Link Up parties for the blogging sphere.

Zoom wouldn’t be too much different then in person physically. Even though we wouldn’t leave the comfort of our home, we are still attending in person.

The link up parties are totally virtual. Be present, mingle, enjoy yourself, say thanks. When doing these, we just need to make a few adjustments.

Be present. Make a list of the parties you wish to follow on what days. Use the InLinkz directory to search for desired parties to attend. Follow your routine on a regular basis.

Mingle and participate. Read the host guideline for the party. For each post contributed, visit one in return. Leave a brief comment.

Enjoy yourself. When visiting other links, notice what you like about the website. Even consider what is least liked. When reviewing your own website/blog look for these traits and make appropriate changes.

Say, ‘Thanks’. For sure, comment on the link party a thank you to the host/hostess. It does take time to create and maintain the link platform. Some even pay for the link service. The best way to say thanks is to acknowledge not just with words but with actions. Visit the host/hostess linked up link and comment there too. This makes for a gracious exit.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Scarborough Fair

Scarborough fair

Scarborough Fair | My Sunday Snapshot 17

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 17. This week’s image was taken while my grand daughter was practicing her piano. I knew she was playing the piano and practiced every Sunday. It’s just been a while since I have heard her play. My youngest was the first to practice. Upon her request, I did not go downstairs to watch and listen to her.

Fortunately, I could hear while upstairs. The sound was lovely. When it came time for Briella to practice, she did ask me to go with her. She had three songs she practiced. Wow, I was mesmerized. It wasn’t until after she was finished that I thought to record. So I asked Brie to play the Scarborough Fair again. She told me she plays slow to concentrate on her finger placement. Then she will bring the tempo up. I like the slower tempo and told her so. If you would like to hear Brie play, click the center triangle (or center of below image) to start the video.

She’s just 12 and I am so proud of her. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 17

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #35

generic link party

Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #35

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #35!

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #35!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

What to Wear | June

June what to wear

What to Wear | June

What to Wear will feature different palettes providing ideas when you plan the wardrobe for individual pictures or your family images during the holiday gatherings.

What to Wear | June features ideas for all family members: mom; dad; big brother; big sister and little brother and little sister. Have fun preparing your stylish look for family pictures!

It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for better images. When planning the wardrobe, do wash and dry the clothing. Immediately after drying, hang the clothes on a hanger. Or iron, if you like. The main goal is wrinkle free clothing.

Shoes do not need to be new either. New shoe laces is an inexpensive purchase to spruce up the look. Polishing leather or washing canvas shoes is another solution to brighten their appearance.

Have the socks match either the pants or shoes. This is important for anyone who may be sitting or squatting in the group. Imagine if the pants are navy blue, shoes white and you see bright green socks. Very distracting. Your eyes will go straight to the green socks and not the person’s face! However, if the socks were either white (matching shoes) or navy blue (matching pants), your eyes will flow over the person and land on the face/eyes of the person in the picture.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo




My Sunday Snapshot #16

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 16!

Today’s image was purely unintended. The grand girls and I were trying to get the remote shutter connected to the phone when we were taking some selfies of us this weekend. We got a few bloopers. This blooper turned out rather interesting.

Have a wonderful week.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot #16

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

May | One Line a Day

may one line a day

May | One Line a Day

Hi, May Day brings back fun memories. Did you ever make May Day baskets, filled with flowers picked from the yard. My baskets were filled with grass and dandelions!! I would make my baskets using construction paper and glue. Then I would take one over to Mrs. Barkley. She was the elderly cool lady where all the neighbor kids would go and we would all be in her living room playing with many of her toys she had. I’d take this basket I made, hang it on her door. Then I would dash to hide. Mrs. Barkley would always come find me. Once found, I would go into her living room, talk and drink tea. Good times.

01. May 1st is my favorite Aunt’s birthday.

Aunt Phyllis
Adam and Aunt Phyllis

02. Movie and Dinner night with Adam. Dinner was Ziti. The movie, The Great Wall. Adam did select the movie this time. I must admit, I really enjoy the time we spend together more each time.

03. While getting gas, I went into Casey’s to grab a cup of their Hershey Hot Chocolate. Some of the best right there!

04. Morning began with the weekly Weight Watcher meeting. After the meeting went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some items for my Happy 60th Birthday Party to me, party 🙂 Not only will I be 60 this year, I am celebrating 20 years cancer free!!!

05. I met with my good friend, Cris. Ate lunch at El Portro and then went to Michael’s to select the flowers in the bouquet she will be making for my birthday party.

06. Monday, back to work.

07. Tuesday, I was tired. Made for a long day at work.

08. Movie and dinner night with Adam. Tonights feature, the Peanut Butter Falcon. Dinner, ham quesadilla. Adam scored with this movie selection. Definitely a family friendly movie. I enjoyed it!

09. Visited the cows on lunch break. Beautiful day, sun shining.

steer lined up at fence

10. It’s finally Friday. George Jones, It’s Finally Friday.

11. Erika and her family visited today. They even brought lunch for us! It’s always good to see the grand girls. They change so much.

12. It was a nice Mother’s Day. I visited my mom and dad. My mother does not like to. have her picture taken, so today was a picture less day. Once home, I finished working on the labels for my old age bottles. These will be the party favors for the ‘Happy Birthday to me’ party. This month I am celebrating my 60th, plus my 20 year cancer free (with God’s grace).

old age label
The party favor- M&Ms in a pharmacy bottle.

13. Monday, again. Back to work.

14. Tuesday, another typical day at work.

15. Dinner and movie night with Adam. Dinner, ham steaks and green beans. The movie, River Wild.

In my opinion, the classic The River Wild with Meryl Streep is best.

16. Overslept. Had to work late to make up my tardiness.

17. Renewed my driver’s license and baked birthday cakes.

ks dept of motor vehicles

18. Attended my ‘Happy Birthday to me‘ party.

19. Relaxed. Started working on my thank you cards.

thank you

20. Finished writing my Thank You notes. I sent each guest a thank you letter and a printed 4×6 of our selfie.

21. A typical Tuesday work day.

22. Attended my grand daughter’s 6th grade promotion.

6 grade promotion
Briella wanted to celebrate at Sonic for ice cream!

23. It’s my mom’s birthday today. She’s now 78.

78 birthday
Happy Birthday, Mom!

24. My internet went out. Called the provider and it was reported as an area outage. I had to take unplanned PTO from work. Had dinner and movie night with Adam. We went to Subway for dinner. The movie, Rust Creek.

25. While Kevin went to mow at our past house (small house on 20 acres) his truck broke down and could not bring the mower home. I had to rescue him 🙂

26. Spent a quiet day at home.

27. Memorial Day. Worked on the blog and visited many other blogs with wonderful tributes to the people who sacrificed their life for our wonderful nation, me and my family.

28. Linda was not able to walk tonight, so I had a relaxing evening, working on my own blog.

29. Movie and dinner with Adam. I did not feel like cooking. We had our favorite Casey’s pizza! Movie, Luther: The Fallen Sun. Adam’s choice. Not a family movie. Save this one for parent’s night.

30. Typical Thursday work day. Virtual walk with Linda.

31. It’s Friday and after work I will be going to my grand girls house to spend the weekend with them while their folks are away!!

May was a fun filled month. Looking forward to what June brings!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
