I Need Happy Pills, or not

happy pills or not

I Need Happy Pills

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto. Working on my 101 in 1001 list #49. Back when I went to the doctor’s for my wellness check, I had mentioned I needed my dose of happy pills increased.

**I am writing about my own personal experience. Nothing on this website should be considered medical advice. Always consult a doctor before making any changes to your diet, medical plan, or exercise routine. Refer to the full disclaimer here.

Kevin and Erika

A few years back my daughter mentioned she thought I had attention deficient disorder. I spoke to the doctor about this as well. During our discussion, I elected to not increase my Lexapro (happy pill). Instead the doctor gave me a packet of paperwork, one set for me to complete and a second set for my husband to complete. Because Erika had mentioned the A.D.D, I made a copy of the paperwork for her to complete as well. Erika and Kevin paperwork, both were similar.


happy pills

During my follow up appointment with my doctor, the doctor wanted to treat me for the Inattentive ADD. It was explained to me that the depression I am experiencing can be a symptom of the ADD. We decided to keep the Lexapro at the same dose but add Wellbutrin. After taking the added medicine, I am to return for another follow up appointment in four weeks.

It’s been two weeks and this is what I have noticed so far:

  • Less emotional moments. I was tearing up more and this was the reason for asking to increase my happy pill.
  • In my head/mind, I am not talking to myself near as much.
  • Being less tired.
  • Housework not feeling daunting. I still need to make myself do the housework, but not the same struggle I had been experiencing. Who likes doing housework anyway? 🙂
  • I have noticed my Crohn’s is less active. May be too soon to know, however will report this at follow-up appointment.

All these 60 years, I believed what my parents said about me when I was a kid; lazy. After revealing this to the doctor, she said, not at all. Back in the day, the hyper A D D child was dealt with. However, the inattentive child did not disrupt the group/class. Therefore, those children slipped through the cracks so to say. I am aware that I still need to ‘clean’ the house. But the rolling thoughts of EVERYTHING that needs to be done going from one to the next will diminish. Eliminating the exhaustion before I even begin.

I am looking forward to the next couple weeks. The anticipation of new experiences I will have, is exciting! Does anyone else have a similar experience? I am interested if you have.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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