The Secret Garden

the secret garden

The Secret Garden | My Sunday Snapshot #24

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 24! I have been walking this path on several occasions. One of those walks, I encountered the morning dew. On my most recent walk, I discovered ‘the secret garden‘! I’m surprised I never noticed it before. All the privacy fences look like most fences. Each house back yard is facing the main road. You can see each house similar fences in the top image below. And then the last one in the row, ‘the secret garden‘!

the secret garden

Of course, I just had to take a few images of the pretty flowers. Notice the critter in the white one? Not sure what kind it is. Tried getting close to see. Can you tell what it is?

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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16 thoughts on “The Secret Garden

  1. What a delightful discovery, Debra! It’s amazing how something so enchanting can be hidden in plain sight. Your description of ‘the secret garden’ paints such a peaceful and magical picture. The images you’ve shared bring that magic to life, especially with the little critter making a surprise appearance. Nature has a way of revealing its treasures when we least expect it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us. Wishing you a wonderful week as well!

    1. Hi, Anna. Each week I visit my son for our movie and dinner night, I walk his little dog. We walk by this ‘secret garden’ every time. This last time I seen the sprinkler’s running and sounded like someone was in the back yard. It took such willpower not to shout and ask to see the other side of the fence! hahahah
      Take care and best wishes.

    1. I am not a gardener. Other people’s gardens I appreciate. It takes a lot of work to have a a beautiful landscape/garden. Expensive too!
      Take care and best wishes.

    1. Hi, Amy. Thank you for visiting. I am running a bit slow at visiting the links this time. The last few days I had the ‘stomach bug’. During this time I did not work on my blog. Getting back to it now though! Will be visiting 12 and 13 soon.
      Take care ands best wishes.

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