Make a List

make a list

Make a List

Hi, have you ever gotten to the store, bought your things and once home you realized you forgot the item you specifically went to get? This is happening to me more than what I like to admit. And it’s not limited to just buying things at the store.

This week I had to run errands. While at the house I thought about all the things I needed to do. The car was on empty, get gas. I like going to Sonic to get a route 44 tea. Then into town to go to the Social Security office. I was prepared to be at the office most of the day. I remembered that line can be extremely long.

I got into the car to leave. My drive will take about 40 minutes. I stopped to get my Sonic route 44. Then as I left Sonic I began to think what I needed to do when I got to the social security office. About 10 minutes into my drive I remembered I needed gas. Uh-oh…..

empty gas tank

I had passed up the last gas station before I got to my destination. As you can see my tank is on empty! I took the picture and probably was not the smartest thing to do while driving. I had approximately 25 miles to go to get to town. Keeping fingers crossed, I did not run out of gas. The first gas station I came to, I stopped and filled up!

Luckily I did not run out of gas. That would not be fun. This has made me think about making a list, shopping and to do list. Which would make shopping easier. The need to remember would be eliminated with just looking at my list!

I must admit the older I get, I recognize changes I am experiencing. Memory loss being one of those. Of course I did Google about age and memory and was comforted to know this is normal for persons 50 and older. If my lists do not help me, I will definitely consult my doctor.

One source I visit often is the Mayo Clinic. This article mentioned misplacing keys, forgetting people’s names but remember them later. This describes me.

A short while ago I did add to my key ring an Apple AirTag. It’s already been helpful. I was at the doctors office and had set my keys down in the lobby. After my appointment I went to my car and could not unlock it. Used my phone to find my keys, worked like a charm!

key ring on chain

Remote Shutter

This week’s WW meeting topic: Single Tasking. I have not heard of this before my meeting. Multi-tasking is a term I am familiar. Single tasking focuses on the moment. My list is multi-tasking. Each item on the list, a single task. Focus on one task at a time and not the whole list. The idea of a single task is to eliminate stress, focus on the moment and stop the squirrel like thoughts running in the mind. Allowing me to focus on the pleasures of the now, not be thinking of other things needing to be done and ruining the pleasures of the moment.

single task

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -11.6lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Follow Up Post

follow up post

Follow Up Post

follow up postHi, generally I schedule my posts for Monday’s. However, this week I wanted to have a post with a follow up to a few of my ongoing goals. And in doing so, I will be able to provide a photography tip I discovered just this weekend and would love sharing with you! Let’s begin with the photography tip.

It was while working with the picture to the left. It could be the image at the top if you are reading this on your phone. It is my selfie taken in the grocery store! 🙂

portrait mode follow up postThe following screen shots were taken on my iPhone 14 ProMax. The Portrait Mode is available on the iPhone 11 and up. I am not sure about models before the 11. I recommend the Portrait Mode in your camera for selfies or when your subject is two to eight feet in front of you. The Portrait Mode is available in the built-in camera app. Once you have the camera open and the Portrait Mode selected, frame the subject to take the shot. When the camera screen displays Natural Light, you can then take the picture.

Notice the background on both pictures. In Portrait Mode, the background is blurred. Looks pretty nice doesn’t it! The Portrait Mode is one way to emphasize the subject. This is especially handy when your background is busy or unattractive. There is more to the photography tip I wanted to share.

Let’s say after you take the picture, you decide you do want to see more details of the background. You can change the background to see more detail. Yes, you heard me correctly. The background can be edited after the image was taken. Let me show you how.

Open the picture you want to see more details in the background. Click the Edit button.

edit portrait mode background

At the top center you will see the word Portrait that is highlighted yellow. Click it. When it is no longer highlighted, the background will not be blurred. Click the word Portrait again, and the background goes back to blurred. Pretty nifty!

portrait mode

Remember the rule of thirds as well. Both of these tips will make your images look better!

Ok, now for the follow up 🙂 This picture is the whole reason for the post today! I have now been an active Weight Watchers member for seven weeks. And yes, I am loosing weight, yippee! However no one seems to have noticed. I notice small changes like today getting in and out of my husband’s truck is easier. My rings seem to be spinning more on my fingers and it is hot outside!

After getting home from the grocery store, I was looking thru some of my past selfies. And lo and behold, I ran across a picture taken just this past May. It was the day I went to the KC Zoo with my daughter and her family. Visit the KC Zoo here!
weight loss

My very first week, I had signed up for Weight Watchers (WW) in the phone app. The service I selected was the online option. Any classes I wanted to take would require me to upgrade services. And eventually I did just that. The meetings have been very instrumental for me. After seeing the two pictures above side by side, I wonder how much weight I lost that very first week. I never weigh myself at home. My weight was only checked when I went to the doctor and now at my weekly WW meeting. In the post, Looking my Best tells the story of my WW discovery.

And with my WW journey I am successfully implementing #69 of my 101 in 1001 goals, avoid or eat less junk food. That’s a win, win for me!

Loosing weight is not easy. Never has been for me. However, the WW point system and the ability to scan bar codes while at the grocery store makes this process for me easy. I will continue with Weight Watchers and post my progress, good or not good here. I need accountability!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


To Face the Sun, or Not

face sun or not

To Face the Sun, or not.

Hi, have you ever thought about the position of the sun when you take your picture? Should the subject be facing the sun or looking away from the sun? This is a question I have been asked more than once. I have taken a few ‘selfies’ to demonstrate the different positions of the sun.

Let’s begin with the sun behind the subject.

to face the sun or not

The image on the left is straight out of the phone’s camera. No edits. The image on the right was edited. As you can see the image was lightened so that my facial features are more visible.

The next set of pictures, the sun is in the West. The left picture I have turned my face so the sun is shining on the left side of my face. The right picture I turned my face to the right.

face the sun or not

Both of these images were right out the phone’s camera. No edits were made to the pictures.

This next picture I was facing the sun.

facing the sun

It’s important to know that when these series of images was taken, it was in the golden hour; approximately 45 minutes before sunset. As you can see all the images look nice with little to no editing needing to be done. Another prime outdoor photography time is in the morning the first hour of sunrise. The sun is softer in the morning and just before the sun sets. If I need to shoot in the middle of the day I look for shaded areas. This next set of pictures was taken in the shaded area of my yard.

silly pictures in the shade
Silly pictures in the shade.

There is no correct way to take an image. Photography is an art. Trying to make the image look nice is the main point to focus on. How to make your image look its best. As long as you are pleased with the result, it is a good picture!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -6lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Better Phone Pictures

Better Phone Pictures

Hi, a friend asked me, “how to take a good picture? Where should the main subject be placed in the image?” These are good questions. Using the rule of thirds will be your go to resource. The rule of thirds is a tool to create visual pleasing images.

As I have said before, taking better phone pictures begin with taking the shot. Once you have taken the shot, take it again. When you take it again, play with the composition. Change where the main subject is placed.

rule of thirds grid

To enable the rule of thirds grid on your phone, open settings. Scroll down and select camera. Open camera and scroll down to composition and turn on the grid.
better phone pictures grid

When taking landscape photography an example would be placing the horizon not in the middle but instead align on the bottom horizontal line or the top. Giving either the sky or land more space in the composition.

The next two images have special meaning to me. The first, is when I joined my daughter and her family to Florida. Briella was sitting on the beach as the waves were coming in. I just really like this image.

better phone pictures at beach

My next example is while me, my mom and daughter went back to Illinois to my Great Aunt’s funeral.

going to heaven

A powerful image. My Great Aunt driving off into heaven. With the leading lines in the road and on the side rail, they draw your eyes into the field of clouds. Very special image for me.

A single object like a person or pet, place one of their eyes on one of the intersecting lines.

One of our usual weekend routine is eating breakfast out and getting groceries. This weekend we went to the Waffle House. While waiting for our breakfast I took the opportunity of taking a picture of the salt and pepper shakers!

salt pepper
Salt & Pepper Shakers Centered

Looks good. But then I applied the rule of thirds.

salt pepper left
Rule of Thirds
There is no one right way or wrong. It is what you like and what is visual appealing.

Waffle House better phone pictures
Waffle House

The two waffle signs look nice. For the collage I prefer the left image with the sign centered. But if I was just taking the picture of sign by itself with no other images to go with it, I like this shot.

better phone pictures

This is why I recommend taking the shot and take it again. It’s much easier to take the image the way you want to start, but there is post editing. In the post editing the image can be cropped, applying the rule of thirds. The post editing can be another post!

my selfie
Practicing my selfie!

Think of the rule of thirds while taking your picture. Consequently, this will become second nature, automatic. You won’t even be thinking of the rule, you’ll just do it.

Most importantly, have fun taking pictures, and taking them again!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo.

Life Balance

Life Balance

Life balance using a chairHi, today I would like to share my experience with balancing. It began right after my car wreck. While taking showers it has become necessary for me to hold on to the rail as I turn in the shower. I hold my head up rinsing the shampoo from my hair, facing the shower head. During the rinsing I turn around to have the back of my head facing the shower head. During the turn is when I need to hold onto the rail. If I do not, I loose my balance. Have you ever experienced this? The first time I have ever had this sensation was when I did a lemon drop with my eyes shut. To do a lemon drop stand flat foot, squat down, wrap your arms around your knees and simply lean over the end of the diving board dropping into the water head first. Creepy feeling!

Originally I thought it was the brain injury I suffered from the wreck that was causing issues with my balance. However as I was searching on the internet I discovered balance begins to decline as early as age 50.

Getting dressed is another instance I have noticed my balance is not as good. Standing on one leg while slipping the other into a pant leg is not so easy now. I found when I sit down to put on pants and shoes this works much better. A chair is now part of my dressing routine.

Any chair will do. I follow these steps when getting dressed:

    Sit down;
    Slipping into underwear;
    Putting on pants;

And I do this in the order listed. Yep, the socks before my pants. The pant legs are not in the way while I am putting on socks. And for shoes, I have found the Sketchers Slip Ons a blessing!

My goal is to age gracefully. I will still go to the beauty salon for my low lights and wear my makeup. What I will not do is worry about my wrinkles. Wrinkles are my smile lines and I sure like to smile and laugh! I will have another post on what exercises I do to assist me with my balance and staying active.

The image above is a chair from the library. When I write my posts, I enjoy going to the public library. Even a picture of a chair can look ‘professional’ taken with your phone. Just need to take the shot!

Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo

Remote Shutter

Newly found phone accessory, the remote shutter.

Hi, I found a new accessory for the iPhone camera. It’s a remote shutter. Originally I discovered a selfie stick that had a remote included. I liked it so much I found one independent of the stick.

Remote shutter

The AB Shutter3 was simple to pair to the phone. When I was searching Amazon, the description was vague. With the price less than 10 bucks, I decided to give it a try. Typically I do not write reviews, I did for this. I included my image above for others in case they had some of the same questions I had. I’m pleased Amazon approved my review!

Selfies remote shutter
Of course after the pairing was completed, I had to practice! The first picture I had met this young lady on a previous library visit. There was someone sitting at each table. She asked if she could sit at the table I was occupying. I was happy to share the table with her. It was a Saturday several weeks ago. In the times I have been to the library, I have not seen a same person a second time. Well today, I happened to look around and there she was! I asked her if I could take a picture of her and me, pleased she said yes.

The middle two I took a break from writing for the blog. And the last picture was while I was picking my grocery order up. Told the young lady I just got my remote and wanted to practice. She was a good sport and smiled with me.

The iPhone 14 ProMax is a large phone. Trying to hold and touch the shutter on the phone screen is quite awkward; almost dropping the phone on more than one occasion. The remote will definitely be handy in taking better pictures, especially selfies.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo