Calves 3

baby calves

Calves 3 | My Sunday Snapshot #7

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 7!

Erika had called and asked to meet for breakfast last weekend. We are always pleased to met with them! Once finished the grand girls wanted to come out to the farm and see the baby calves.

twin calves

Briella wanted to get out of the truck. She thought she was a cow whisperer!

calf whisperer
cow whisperer


Peace be with you on this special day and always!
Happy Easter.

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 7

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Calves Part 2

Calves Part 2

Calves Part 2 | My Sunday Snapshot

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot #5! A couple weeks ago I visited the calves for the first time since they were weened from their momma. They would not let me get close to them. This visit was much different. I had to be quiet and move slow. Just standing at the gate, I held out my hand. The little brown calve came right up to me and licked my hand!
brown calve licking my hand
Then this bigger calve (much bigger) gained interest. He was at the back of the group and made his way to the front. I was a bit frightened. These cows can get big. And these calves are fed well to gain weight.

big calf

Once I was able to calm my inner feelings, I held out my hand to the big guy. Slowly he approached.
big calf

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -23lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

Calves Part 2 | My Sunday Snapshot 5

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Smoked Cheese | My Sunday Snapshot 4

Smoked Cheese

My Sunday Snapshot 4

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 4! Kevin enjoys cooking out on the grill. This time he smoked cheese. Have you ever had home smoked cheese? Let me tell you, it’s good! My husband and son-in-law were talking about it after deer hunting last Fall. About how smoked cheese would go well with the deer sausage. Neither had smoked cheese before. Kevin bought several kinds of cheese, sharp cheddar, Swiss and a few others. Kevin smoked the cheese twice. After the first time smoking, he wrapped the cheese to cure in the refrigerator a couple weeks before smoking it the second time. This weekend we ate some of the cheese with the deer sausage. The sharp cheddar was my favorite out of them all.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 4

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Calves | My Sunday Snapshot 3

cute calves

Calves | My Sunday Snapshot 3

Hi, what a beautiful morning! I walked up to the barn where Kevin was hanging out. And on the walk, I looked over to the cows. They were all lined up. The sun was just a bit behind them to make their faces dark, but I still liked how they were in a line and looking at me. These cows were recently moved to our front pasture. This was done to ween the calves from their momma.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 3

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My Sunday Snapshot #2

front of sign my Sunday snapshot #2

My Sunday Snapshot #2

Hi, this week my Sunday Snapshot shot was provided after church services. I did not think of anything until I got into my car to leave. It was then that I caught sight of it and then laughed!!

The above image is the welcome sign to the church. This is not an uncommon sign for most businesses and churches to have, right?! Well, then when I left it was when I saw the backside.

back sign my Sunday snapshot #2
Backside of sign as you are leaving the parking lot.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, an image is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

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Coincidence or Divine Intervention?

coincidence or divine intervention

Is it coincidence or divine intervention?

Hi, on Sunday I made good on finding a good Bible based church and Bible study. This is my #50 of my 101 in 1001 goals. I personally do not believe in coincidences. Let me explain why.

During my cancer journey, so many coincidences happened at just the right time. Coincidence 1: Commercial construction had slowed down. Kevin had been laid off from work. He had just returned to work and three weeks later I was diagnosed with cancer.

Coincidence 2: With the lack of work prior, Kevin did not have his 700 hours in to qualify for his insurance premiums to be paid. We had to pay the premium out of pocket for 2 months, still less than the chemo I was getting each month. There was plenty of overtime work for Kevin to reach the 700 hours.

Our family went thru a dark time. It was during this time more coincidences happened. Our son was self medicating. The doctor said it was not a concern of being addicted to ‘drugs’ rather a mental issue.

Coincidence 3: Adam had the same therapist and case manager for 2 years (our darkest). Since then, he has had new therapists about every 6 months. Same with the case managers.

The featured image above was taken at the church I went to this past week. Part of my #50 of my 101 in 1001, attend Bible study. A new church for me. When I walked in, I actually knew several of the members. I felt immediately welcomed, like I was meant to be there.

These were the biggest coincidences with so many more that I have experienced. Too many to ‘not’ believe in God.

For this reason, I say I experienced divine intervention.

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.2 lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
