Pretty Snow?

pretty snow

Pretty Snow? | My Sunday Snapshot #38

Hi, welcome to my Sunday snapshot! We just got another round of snow. When it first arrives it’s very pretty. The second day is pretty. But as time ticks, is snow pretty? IMO, not at all!

Oh, I absolutely enjoy fresh snow: prior to the dog finding just the ‘right’ spot to do her duty; before the roads are clear; parking lots with piles high of pushed snow. Here in my part of Kansas we still had piles left over from our last blizzard January 2025.

pretty snow 2

In town, the snow turns a horrible color and seems to linger forever. At home, the snow on the gravel roads tend to turn the same color as the gravel from all the dust being stirred up from driving down the roads.

I am so, oh so, ready for spring! 🙂

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 38

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Jesus and Germs

Jesus and germs

Jesus and Germs

Hi, welcome to my Sunday snapshot! Today I am driving my second wrestling tournament trip. So far I am pleasantly pleased with the facilities hospitality room for coaches, helpers and bus drivers. I brought my pillow and blanket to get comfy. The hospitality room has a couch, nice!

Hospitality room cough
A very comfortable couch,
Jesus and germs
And the food was delicious!

After eating and being comfortable, it was time to visit the girls’ room, RR.
The tournament is at a private Catholic school. In the restroom back door was a poster. The poster is my Sunday snapshot this week. I liked it. Very clever.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 37

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Sources of Strength

Sources of strength

Sources of Strength

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 36! This weekend I had the opportunity to drive the high school wrestling team to a tournament. What a fun experience. The hosting high school had a hospitality room that was very nice. If you have not been to a wrestling match, they are an all day event. The hospitality room provided a nice breakfast and then lunch. Quite a nice selection of meats: chicken, pulled pork and sausage.

Hospitality room meal
The food was delicious!

While at the school, I noticed in the commons room/lunch araa there was this sign posted on the wall. Nothing fancy, just a plain piece of paper taped to the wall. What an inspiration! I knew I wanted to feature this collage of images for this week’s My Sunday Snapshot.

Sources of strength wall
What an awesome idea!

Four weeks ago I became a Student Delivery Specialist (School Bus Driver 🙂 ), Not a day goes by that I regret making the work change. It was a learning curve for sure with fear and wonderful experiences. If interested, read about it here.

I met two other drivers at the tournament hospitality room, Sylvia and Jerry. Maybe our bus trails will cross again!!

New friends
New friends.

It’s never too late to make a work change. Even as they say, can’t teach an old dog new tricks is NOT true. Keep an open mind, be accepting to making mistakes (learn from them) and most of all, have fun. Trust me, you will be glad you did!

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 36

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Ring Around the Moon

my snapshot 35 old wives tale

Ring Around the Moon

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 35!

We have experienced a monthly low rain average. It was a wonderful night seeing this moon. Notice the ring around the moon? The ring is an Old Wives’ Tale. The old wives’ tale about a ring around the moon is that it signifies rain is coming soon. Kevin’s father had said this many times throughout Kevin’s childhood. After searching the internet, the ring, called a lunar halo, is usually caused by high cirrus clouds which often precede a storm system. The next day we did get much needed rain!

Have you ever seen such a ring?

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 35

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Fall Leaves

fall leaves

Fall Leaves | My Sunday Snapshot #34

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 34! This week has been beautiful. The weather feels very fall like 🙂 Even though I work for a different school district than where my grand girls attend, each had Thursday and Friday as parent teacher conference days. I spent both days with the girls!

The featured image is from the tree across the road from us. It’s huge, bigger than a banana! I sure enjoy nature’s beauty this time of year. While walking with Brynlee, I asked her to pause on the trail. This is the image I got. Priceless.

fall leaves with Bryn
Taken on our afternoon walk.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 34

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Pleasant Surprise

pleasant surprise

Pleasant Surprise | My Sunday Snapshot #33

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot! The Good Lord does work in wonderful ways. I made a decision to leave my full time, 40 hour week job for a part time bus driver one. A huge decision for me. One of the things I enjoy is spending money. Well, working part time I won’t have the ‘extra’ 20 hours pay. The Good Lord has so far given me so much, pleasant surprise. Not just one, but many.

The featured image was taken at 4:30 am. Had I still be working that 40 hour job, I would never have seen this beautiful moon. The image does not do the actual scene justice. At least I have the memory, I took the shot!

I believe the Good Lord places people into your life, or you into someone else’s life for a reason. He definitely added three wonderful, beautiful students into mine.


Currently I am a para working on the SPED bus. We have two students who ride that I am responsible for securing their wheel chairs. One of my past jobs was with Kinedyne. When you think of Kinedyne, you can think of the movement of freight. A sister company of Kinedyne, Sure-Lok, manufactured straps to secure wheel chairs. Well, full circle. I am familiar with the straps on the SPED bus, these were made by Sure-Lok!

There are a total of three students that ride with me. Each one of them has a very special place in my heart. Had I stayed with the 40 hour job, I would never have met these girls.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 33

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