Road Construction

road construction

Road Construction | My Sunday Snapshot #22

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 22! After our July Summer Party, I drove Adam home. Seems like every year the City of Lawrence always has some sort of road construction taking place. This year it is affecting my drive time each drive thru Lawerence. Each store I shop, my parents home and where Adam is living is on the north side of Lawrence. The road under construction is 6th street (40 HWY).

more road construction
It’s a long street!

Each intersection stop light must be synced the whole stretch of the street. The speed limit is 25, the drive is non stop which is nice. If the travel was stopped at each or every other intersection, the traffic would be horrible. As it is, it’s tolerable.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
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My Sunday Snapshot 22

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