Irish You a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

St. Patrick

Irish You a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Liam malone
Leave’m Alone

That’s bad, I know! 🙂 I am excited for today. Later I will be taking the grand girls to the St. Patrick’s Day parade. I will post images in a few days. Check back to see all the fun we had!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


November Highlights


November Highlights

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto November Highlights!

The huge highlight for November was making a career change. It’s Official is the post I explained my fears and wonderful moments.

Becoming an official student delivery specialist.

The new career perk:

company vehicle
The company vehicle parked at the farm!

Lunch Date with my grand girls.

lunch date

lunch date 2

My new work family.

A group of my co-workers.

Having a meal with Brynlee at the school luncheon.

school lunch with Brynlee
School hosted a holiday meal with your student.

Watching Brynlee (the one wearing pink shoes) play basketball. This is her first year.

Coach called the team to a huddle.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Who Said Redneck?

who said redneck

Who Said Redneck?

Hi! This just happened about 15 minutes ago, a revelation. You know you are a redneck when you use a Shopvac to vacuum your living room. Do you know what a Shopvac is? It’s typically used commercially. Kevin uses these on his construction jobs. We are hosting our family Thanksgiving tomorrow (Saturday). Of course I wait until the very last to do my final cleaning. The weather has been just cold enough at night, we have started using the wood stove. If you burn wood, you probably know just how dirty it can get. Kevin brought the Shopvac in for me to use. It did a fabulous job. Even worked great on collecting the dust from the drapes!

Pulling out the arsenal!

Here’s to a Thanksgiving full of family, friends and many blessings!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


What to Wear | September 2

What to Wear | September 2

What to Wear | September 2

What to Wear will feature different palettes providing ideas when you plan the wardrobe for individual pictures or your family images during the holiday gatherings.

What to Wear | September 2 features ideas for all family members: mom; dad; big brother; big sister and little brother and little sister. Have fun preparing your stylish look for family pictures!

It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for better images. When planning the wardrobe, do wash and dry the clothing. Immediately after drying, hang the clothes on a hanger. Or iron, if you like. The main goal is wrinkle free clothing.

Shoes do not need to be new either. New shoe laces is an inexpensive purchase to spruce up the look. Polishing leather or washing canvas shoes is another solution to brighten their appearance.

Have the socks match either the pants or shoes. This is important for anyone who may be sitting or squatting in the group. Imagine if the pants are navy blue, shoes white and you see bright green socks. Very distracting. Your eyes will go straight to the green socks and not the person’s face! However, if the socks were either white (matching shoes) or navy blue (matching pants), your eyes will flow over the person and land on the face/eyes of the person in the picture.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
