Art Collaboration

art collaboration

Art Collaboration | Sunday Snapshot #43

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot! It’s spring break. One day at my daughter’s home we had planned on going to the zoo. However, the weather turned winter like, 30’s with slushy rain. Instead we stayed in and painted. Brynlee had a large canvas that was divided. In the bottom picture, my painted section is the lower left quarter. It was a fun time shared, memories made!

art collaboration with Brynlee and Erika
Brynlee, Erika and myself

We folded the laundry after painting. You know how it is, the important stuff first!

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 43

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25 Things I Like About Myself | 101 in 1001

25 things I like about myself

25 Things I Like About Myself

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto. It’s time to get back to my 101 in 1001 goals. I’ve decided to work on the list of 25 things I like about myself, #59.

25 Things I Like About Myself

1. I like being a grandma.

2. The fact I am getter older.

3. I enjoying being a ‘happy’ person.

4. Driving a bus!

5. I like that I am still enjoying technical gadgets, ability to learn new things.

6. A postive person.

7. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

8. Treat others fairly, not forgetting to be fair to myself.

9. I am honest.

10. I am a Christian.

11. I am grateful.

12. I am a tough person who made it through tough times.

13. I love photography and enjoy photographing people.

14. Being a social butterfly and conversing with people.

15. I have dreams.

16. I am affectionate.

17. I am responsible.

18. Getting older.

19. I’m friendly.

20. Was a good mother and still a good mother.

21. My long hair.

22. My hands.

23. My family, husband, daughter her family and my son. Our relationship we have.

24. I like who I am right now, while working to make myself better.

25. I’m always searching for things that I like about myself 🙂

Wow, that took me time to create the list. Have you ever asked yourself what you like about you? Give it a try. You just might be surprised with what you add to your list.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo




Generations | My Sunday Snapshot #40

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot! Family time. I truly enjoy family time. My mother rarely likes to have her picture taken. This time was different. Here is a picture showing the four generations of ladies in my family.

We were sitting in the living room and my daughter suggested we stand up from shortest to tallest. My phone was in my purse. As we were getting in line, I rushed to get my phone. Tossed it over to my son-in-law. Asked him to take the shot. He did!

Erika (daughter) had Briella (grand daughter) stand beside my mother. Briella has gained some height in the past several months. She’s the tallest of us now!!

Years ago my mother had collected many different pictures of family members. She cut around the people in the image eliminating excess space. She then put them all together, creating a collage of sorts. Framed the collage. She was pointing out people and naming them for Brynlee.

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 40

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What to Wear | February 2

feb 2 what to wear

What to Wear | February 2

What to Wear will feature different palettes providing ideas when you plan the wardrobe for individual pictures or your family images during the holiday gatherings.

What to Wear | February 2 features ideas for all family members: mom; dad; big brother; big sister and little brother and little sister. Have fun preparing your stylish look for family pictures!

It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for better images. When planning the wardrobe, do wash and dry the clothing. Immediately after drying, hang the clothes on a hanger. Or iron, if you like. The main goal is wrinkle free clothing.

Shoes do not need to be new either. New shoe laces is an inexpensive purchase to spruce up the look. Polishing leather or washing canvas shoes is another solution to brighten their appearance.

Have the socks match either the pants or shoes. This is important for anyone who may be sitting or squatting in the group. Imagine if the pants are navy blue, shoes white and you see bright green socks. Very distracting. Your eyes will go straight to the green socks and not the person’s face! However, if the socks were either white (matching shoes) or navy blue (matching pants), your eyes will flow over the person and land on the face/eyes of the person in the picture.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


Life with Crohn’s Disease

Crohn's disease

Life with Crohn’s Disease

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto! Today I would like to share my life with Crohn’s Disease. First and foremost**-
Nothing on this website should be considered medical advice. Always consult a doctor before making any changes to your diet, medical plan, or exercise routine. Please refer to the disclaimer.

Let me first begin with, ‘What is Crohn’s disease?‘ To get a complete explanation, click the link. In my words, it’s the sshitz….. literally.

I was diagnosed at age 17. It took many years to understand what foods I could eat without triggering the horrible side affects of the disease. Stress interrupted my food intake, what my gut could and could not tolerate at that moment in my life. The weeks leading up to me qualifying for my CDL and learning a new route was a stressful time for me. Keep this in mind as you are reading….

Past employers have been wonderful working with me and my need to have restroom access as needed. However, my newest job is a tricky one. My supervisor has been wonderful. There was an incident that I could have lost my job because of the actions I took at the time of one of those restroom needs.

At this moment and time of my life, I have had to make another adjustment to my lifestyle. This will include carrying a bag of necessities on the bus. This bag will include an extra pair of pants, panties, baby wipes and a potty pad. You heard correct, a potty pad. I am now a CDL Bus driver. Thank goodness, my longest route is 2 to 2.5 hours. There is no bathroom on a bus. So guess what? I will need to pooh my britches if a bathroom urge strikes. Not looking forward to this. One of my requests was no cloth seat 🙂 I will be sitting on a potty pad!

The incident I referenced above, I could have lost my job because I did not pooh my britches. It was necessary for the administration correction taken. There is a plan now in place. Luckily the superintendent of the district is aware of Crohn’s and understood the meaning of, ‘I need to go now’! Of course, I had to provide a doctor’s note stating my diagnosis and what was needed medically for me to be successful. All is good for now. I am sure this will provide opportunities of some humorous post follow ups 😂

In all seriousness, Crohn’s is not a fun diagnosis to live with. On the other hand, I would much prefer to talk about it instead of talking about it when an ‘accident’ occurs and I am very embarrassed. Granted talking about pooh for most is embarrassing butt (pun intended), could you image how embarrassing it would be if you had to pooh your britches?

Should you have experience with Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis, let me know. We can share tips and tricks to avoid those embarrassing moments.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


What to Wear | January 2

what to wear January 2

What to Wear | January 2

What to Wear will feature different palettes providing ideas when you plan the wardrobe for individual pictures or your family images during the holiday gatherings.

What to Wear | December features ideas for all family members: mom; dad; big brother; big sister and little brother and little sister. Have fun preparing your stylish look for family pictures!

It is not necessary to purchase new clothing for better images. When planning the wardrobe, do wash and dry the clothing. Immediately after drying, hang the clothes on a hanger. Or iron, if you like. The main goal is wrinkle free clothing.

Shoes do not need to be new either. New shoe laces is an inexpensive purchase to spruce up the look. Polishing leather or washing canvas shoes is another solution to brighten their appearance.

Have the socks match either the pants or shoes. This is important for anyone who may be sitting or squatting in the group. Imagine if the pants are navy blue, shoes white and you see bright green socks. Very distracting. Your eyes will go straight to the green socks and not the person’s face! However, if the socks were either white (matching shoes) or navy blue (matching pants), your eyes will flow over the person and land on the face/eyes of the person in the picture.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo
