Pink is More than a Color.
Hi, pink is one of my favorite colors. I have favorite colors for different reasons. For example, when I play board games, I always pick the green pieces. Did you ever play the one called, ‘Sorry or Trouble‘? My kids always knew, green was mine! 🙂
Let me tell you how pink became one of my favorites. It actually snuck up on me. That’s right, snuck and not sneaked! It started with the tape dispenser. I bought a black dispenser. At our previous house my husband and I shared a desk and all was fine and dandy. Until we moved into our new to us home. We now have two desks, his & her’s. My husband has taken over this dispenser.
You might be thinking, no big deal. And you are probably right. Well, next I bought one of those bluetooth speakers that work with my phone. I use the speaker mainly in the summer while poolside or working in the yard. That speaker disappeared. Then resurfaced at one of our family gatherings, Kevin had latched onto it!
It took a bit of time, but I found a solution. The solution is the color pink! Pink was beginning to be a favorite for me when I was shopping for electronic organizers. I was pretty bored with just gray and black colors to choose from. Well, I found one in pink! So score for me! Well, when I replaced my speaker and tape dispenser, they made pink ones. So I replaced mine with pink ones. Kevin, I know will not latch onto pink. 🙂

Now, if I can just find a pink hammer, pink tape measure and a pink toolbox, I will be all set! 🙂
Pink is more than a color: It’s a statement!
I have added to my pink collection!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra