Pretty Snow?

pretty snow

Pretty Snow? | My Sunday Snapshot #38

Hi, welcome to my Sunday snapshot! We just got another round of snow. When it first arrives it’s very pretty. The second day is pretty. But as time ticks, is snow pretty? IMO, not at all!

Oh, I absolutely enjoy fresh snow: prior to the dog finding just the ‘right’ spot to do her duty; before the roads are clear; parking lots with piles high of pushed snow. Here in my part of Kansas we still had piles left over from our last blizzard January 2025.

pretty snow 2

In town, the snow turns a horrible color and seems to linger forever. At home, the snow on the gravel roads tend to turn the same color as the gravel from all the dust being stirred up from driving down the roads.

I am so, oh so, ready for spring! 🙂

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot

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My Sunday Snapshot 38

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