My Sunday Snapshot
Hi, I’m excited to begin a new link party series! Today, I had a funny happen to me and wanted to share this with you. With today being Sunday, title of the new link party is, ‘My Sunday Snapshot’. Normally this party will start on Sunday 12:01 am and end Monday 11:59 pm, Central time. However, with this being the first party, this party will end on Friday at 11:59.
My funny began with eating breakfast out with Kevin. Once finished we made our way to Walmart. Our last stop was at the local farm store.

Before I get to the funny, a bit of a back story. Necessary because this is why the funny was funny to begin with. :). My daughter loves animals. Has ever since she was a kid. This child had rabbits, birds, hamster, dogs and others. Erika grew up, got married and moved to the city. Her love of animals did not end.
Erika now has 3 dogs, a cat, a gecko, fish and chickens. Yes, chickens in her back yard. Being in the city she can have hens, not roosters. Roosters crow and neighbors don’t like that! :). Now for the funny…..

When I saw these little piggy’s, I immediately thought Erika needed to add to her home. So I text her!

Erika didn’t think she would be getting the mini pigs to add to her long list of pets. Shaune, her husband, was thankful!
Have a wonderful week!
WW Update:
Since Start Date; -26.4lbs
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
CONGRATS on the new linky party!
Have a lovely weekend
Creatively, Beth
Hi, Beth. Thank you. I really enjoy photography and this series is centered around this enjoyment. You know, a picture is worth a thousand words!
Take care and best wishes.
Thanks for hosting and what great photos you took.
Oh I can totally see my sister getting some to add to her household; she too is a real pet lover and has and has had a variety of animals. I prefer to keep my home pet free and just enjoy other people’s. 🙂
Ditto Joanne. We do have a dog, but she stays in the kennel at night and during the day she is outside with Kevin. Dixie is an Australian Sheppard and I just love her to pieces!
Take care and best wishes.
My son always wanted a mini pig! They are very cute but I have read far too many horror stories where people have been sold a mini pig which turns out to be full sized!
Oh, that would have been even funnier if Erika did get one and ended up being a regular sized pig! I never even thought about that!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Take care and best wishes.
awww how cute they are….they don’t really stay mini though do they, even small pigs grow pretty big!
I can’t help that when little, they are cute. But not sure if they would be cute at 70-100lbs. I would be seeing bacon, delicious 🙂
Take care and best wishes.