My Husband’s Experiment

my husband's experiment

My Husband’s Experiment

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto! Have you ever had an issue with glasses washed in the dishwater having a cloudy film or stain on them that you can not get rid of? We have hard water. And our glasses, I’m talking about real glass, how they look dirty even though they have been washed. I tried the soaking them in vinegar. Even using a scratch pad to try to remove the film/stain. Nothing worked.

On one of our Wal-Mart visits, Kevin went to the Health and Beauty Aids section. He selected some denture cleanser.

denture experiment
Using denture cleanser to clean glass washed in dishwasher.

Using one tablet in each glass, fill the glass with cold water to the top. Let soak overnight. The water in the glass will turn clear. Dump the water and be surprised!

The tablet dissolving in the cup of water.

I missed getting a picture of the glasses prior to the experiment. But here is an image of the glass after soaking overnight. It goes in the dishwasher once the soak is completed. Looks like a brand new glass!

Successful Experiment

If you have this same problem and use the denture cleanser, let me know how it worked for you!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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