Frogs and Swimming Pool

frog joke answer

Frogs and Swimming Pool

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto! I was out cleaning the pool and this little frog was taking a swim. Each day I clean the skimmer and scoop out any leaves in the pool. Well, today I saw the leaves in the bottom. To my amazement, a frog was in the mix of leaves.

frogs and swimming pool
Look what I found in the swimming pool!

It’s always fun to see what little critters the pool attracts. So far I have not come across a snake!
Have a fun day.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


8 thoughts on “Frogs and Swimming Pool

  1. Aww we don’t have a pool, but when I was younger we used to have a pond that was always full of frogs. I very much doubt we’d get a snake here in the UK though, they don’t go far.

    1. If we did ever get a snake, that is probably when I would not get back into the pool!
      At night, it’s fun to hear the tree frogs. The hot tub attracts them!

  2. You’d think the chlorine would really bother their skin… but yet they do seem to almost enjoy swimming in the pool, don’t they?

    1. Hi, Barbara. It’s so funny. My grand daughter loves the little froggies, but will not reach into the skimmer to pull them out. Once I get the frog out, she will hold it and play all day with it!
      Thanks for visiting! Have a wonderful week.
      Take care and best wishes.

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