Commercial Driver’s License

commercial driver's license manual

Commercial Driver’s License | My Sunday Snapshot #25

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 25!

This week my image is more about a change. This change was unexpected. Currently, I work 9 to 5:30 from home. This isn’t too bad one may say. For me, not the best. In no near future will I be able to work the open shift, 7 to 3:30. when I did have this shift, I was able to be in the pool by 4. Get an hour in the late afternoon sun. As it is now, the pool is mostly in the shade. I am 60, my kids are grown and I am only working for the health insurance. Otherwise I would be ‘retired’. Okay, rant over.

One of the local towns I drive thru to get to Lawrence is Tonganoxie. One day in July I had seen a huge sign that the school needs school bus drivers. Ding, ding 🙂 With an inquiring mind, I went to the USD website and looked up the description. Full time is 20 hours a week. One can select either the health insurance or vision/dental insurance premium to be covered 100%. It would be split shift, morning route and an after school route. but I would have 4 hours between the two shifts I can be floating in the water 🙂 There would also be the occasions for extra driving time with school activities. I completed the online application. So we will see. I’ll keep you posted.

One more little rant. After picking up the CDL manual and reading; there is a section on Road Rage. I found this interesting. Many times I wonder if other drivers (especially the ones out of driver’s ed) knows this. On highway’s with more than one lane traveling the same direction, the left lane is for passing, not to just drive in. Did you know this?

don't drive slow in left lane
Don’t drive slow in the left lane.

Here is more from Flo (Progressive).

Have a wonderful week!

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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14 thoughts on “Commercial Driver’s License

  1. Isn’t it sad that we have to keep working past when we need to just for health insurance? And it seems so many people are dying younger now and can’t even enjoy their golden years. The hours for being a school bus driver are great, but around here there are such discipline problems it’s a miserable job. I always thought there should be two employees on school buses, one to drive and one to keep discipline. Yes, I knew the left lane is for passing but I can’t stand it when people use it as a “speeding lane” and think it’s their right to drive as fast as they want in it.

    1. Hi, Amy. I am thinking I should have taken this career sooner in my life time. Looking foward to having my summer off next year!
      Take care and best wishes.

  2. I’m impressed, Debra! Getting a commercial driver’s license is no small feat! Best of luck… the position sounds like it may be a perfect solution for you and, as a retired kindergarten teacher, I know how valuable that position is!!!

    1. The hours are very enticing. I just need to pass the written test for my learner’s permit. And the I will need to actually drive the bus. The bus is big! hahahahaha 🙂 We shall see if I can conquer this!

  3. My son spent all last summer getting/studying/practicing for his CDL; it’s quite a time consuming and expensive endeavor in our state to get it done. BUT he flew through the course with no problems. Best of luck to you!

  4. That is a very good advice. Don´t drive slowly on the left lane. That annoys me every time I want to overtake and the car in front of me does not change to the right side when he is not fast enough.
    Have a good time and all the best

  5. I hope you get the job. It is amazing because when I was in high school, we had to driver’s ed for a semester and it was interesting and we learned a lot. Now, people just take it on-line and they don’t learn as much.

  6. Fingers crossed! I hope you get the new job. The way we handle healthcare in this country is criminal. (Rant over.) And yes, I did know that the left is only for passing, but a lot of people don’t.

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