Morning Dew

morning dew

Morning Dew | My Sunday Snapshot #21

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 21! Friday morning I needed to be at the hospital for my Prolia shot. Getting up early allowed me to go on a morning walk. Beautiful morning, a soft breeze, not hot, As I was walking I notice the sun sparkling off the grass dew. I tried getting a picture of the sparkles. My lens did not capture the prism off the wet grass. However, I was able to capture the water drops on the grass/weed leaves!

dew sparkles

The little white flowers caught my eye. Not sure if a flower or weed. Cute what ever they are. Little tracks caught my eye as well. At first I thought when the critter whose wet paws made the tracks was instead created when the concrete was wet and the tracks are now permanent.

paw tracks

This morning walk was well needed. Started my day out right, refreshed, happy and not rushed.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 21

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Gma’sPhoto | Generic LinkUp Party #39

Generic LinkUp Party

Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #39

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #39!

Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Party spotlight is on:

My Slices of Life
Click image to read; Our Favorite Summer Berry Recipes

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #39!


Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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Boom, Bang

boom bang

Boom, Bang | My Sunday Snapshot #20

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 20! My husband’s favorite holiday is Independence Day. For the past 8 years we have been driving to this one particular fireworks warehouse, PJs Fireworks in St. Joesph, MO. This year he spent more then ever before. Kevin was like a kid in a candy shop. As we rounded the end of one isle we were face to face with a new firework we have never seen. It’s the Kevin image above. Remember, my husband’s name is Kevin. We both laughed. Very fitting for him. Check out what’s in the cart below.

boom bang cart

Of course we had to get one! Many different options to choose from. Always fun to see what he picks out.

pjs fireworks

We have a nice pond area. A small cabin with a fire pit is on one side of the pond. All the girls and kids get to set and watch as the guys are on the other side of pond lighting the fireworks.

A grand time boom, bang! I am looking forward to seeing this year’s display.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 20

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Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #38

ge•ner•ic Linkup Party

Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #38

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #38!

Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Party spotlight is on:

Click image to read; More Than Meets the Eye | Sereneness in the Ordinary

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #38!


Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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Store Shelves

store shelves

Store Shelves | My Sunday Snapshot #19

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 19! I had gone into the store to buy some Nature Valley bars. The orange box of the Sweet & Salty Peanut bars was the height of my forehead. What I was wanting was on the shelve above. I tried and tried to get the box of chocolate chip bars. Could not for the life of me reach it. At that moment I remembered a post from Facebook.

store shelves

Yep, that says it all.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.

My Sunday Snapshot 19

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Gma’sPhoto | Generic LinkUp Party #37


Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #37

Hi, welcome to Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #37!

Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Party spotlight is on:

Click image to visit the post at Photo and Story Treasures

This Party’s Theme is Generic.

Each Friday a new ge•ner•ic Linkup Party will open and end the following Thursday. Link up any family friendly post, health, diy, recipes, home decor, parenting, wordless, crafts, sewing, you get the idea.

Important things to know:

-You may add up to three family friendly blog post links, linked to specific blog posts.
-Please say hi & add your link post number when commenting below.
-Those leaving post entry numbers are eligible to be featured at the next party!
-Be sure to visit other links and leave a kind comment for each link you post.
-Party opens Friday and ends Thursday.
-Thank you for participating. Have fun!

By linking to Gma’sPhoto Party LinkUp, you give permission to share your post and images on Gma’sPhoto blog and social media. Proper credit with a photo and link back will be provided.

Let’s begin the fun at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party #37!


Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


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