Hi, this week’s post is inspired by the images taken during our trip to my Aunt’s celebration of life in Seattle, Washington. We flew out to visit my cousin and attend the celebration.
It was during this time we decided to venture out and do a little site seeing. My cousin, Kristi, lives in a smaller community a short drive from Seattle. On the way to Seattle we stopped at the Cedar River Trail in the City of Renton. It was beautiful.
Hi, I hope your Thanksgiving was family filled and joyous. Our Thanksgiving was for sure one to remember. Many wonderful memories made.
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday. Which was totally fine with me. Erika is an RN who worked Thursday evening. I was able to get the house cleaned, table set and food smoked and the baking done in not a rush.
Friday morning we went to one of our favorite restaurants for breakfast. It was decorated for Christmas! Year round the walls are decorated with local interests, local high schools, and all sorts of fun and interesting ‘stuff’. One in particular caught my eye. And after seeing it, I said, thank you God!
Later in the day, Shaune, our son-in-law, and Briella came to the house. Shaune had a deer tag and wanted to hunt. Brie wanted to go too. They spent Friday and Saturday nights with us. It is so nice to have them over. Erika and Brynlee came and spent Saturday all day with us. My folks and Adam joined us Saturday as well. One photo opportunity I missed was a picture of all of us. Not too many more Thanksgivings will we all be together. I pray Christmas we can get our group picture. My mom has COPD and we burn wood. She was experiencing some difficulties and next year our get together may need to be at my daughter’s home.
Shaune and Brie was successful deer hunting. While I was not with them when the deer was shot, it was fun to listen to them when they came back to the house. We ate breakfast and Kevin took Shaune and Brie down in the tractor to find the deer after it ran. Shaune was able to tag it and take a picture of Brie.
Hi, October was my thankful, grateful month. I am back to my usual series of postings that will be available these particular days: Monday, weekly post; Thursday, Tongue-Tied LinkUp Party and Friday, Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic LinkUp Party.
Had a super fun Saturday with just me and my kids. This does not happen too often. I had asked them for a picture of the three of us. Then I wanted to have one of just my two children. It will go well with the past image series.
Picnic in the Park
This weekend Kevin asked that I go with him to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the homeless on Sunday. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to go with Kevin more, and Sunday was a nice day for November. This week there was not as many people who went thru the line.
Hi, this was a wonderful weekend. Simply perfect weather, family time and good food! I am grateful for the time spent with my husband, son, daughter, son n law and grand girls.
Shaune (son n law) will be going pheasant hunting opening weekend and wanted to get Hazel (German short hair) some training/practice in prior to the hunting weekend. So they came out to work Hazel. Of course Kevin and I was happy to have them out. I called Adam to invite him over and he also joined us.
Erika and her family went down to the pond/cabin before we ate dinner. She shared the above images with me. After they finished working Hazel they came back to the house and we ate the roast lunch Kevin made. Yesterday we had green bean casserole left over from his work’s picnic. We finished that up with the roast. Good food today and yesterday!
Not often do we get Kevin in photos. Erika had taken the below image as well. I appreciate any time and any image taken of Kevin.
Hi, today I am grateful for the kindness of my grand daughter. She made this little pet rock in her class at school. I keep it at my work desk. It usually will set on paperwork, a paper weight. Many times when I am on a call, I will look down and see this cute little rock. Brings a smile to my face!
Hi, it’s day 10 of practicing gratitude. I am grateful for friends. What is a friend? Doing a Google search, Merriam Webster provided several definitions and the one I am referring to is:
: one attached to another by affection or esteem
She’s my best friend.
With this, I have work friends.
Angie is my best friend from work. We are remote, so she is the only one that I have met in person. We call each other practically each day after work. Many times she has helped through a stressful day. We work for child care and the calls can be sad and sometimes abusive. Not every day. There are some really nice callers, but there are days. Over time we have evolved into more than just work friends. We have learned so much about each other as a person and our conversations are more than ‘work’ stuff.
Linda is my best friend from a past work/client relationship. We had our restaurant and Linda would come in every Saturday for a meal with her family of four, husband and two sons. We sold our business and time passed. One day while shopping in Wal-Mart, Linda came up to me and said hi. This was our reunion. We have traveled together and take virtual walks most every day, sometimes twice daily. Linda is available to walk twice daily, me however, I am not a morning person. Several times I did not make it on time to walk. And Linda still calls me her friend 🙂
I have my Weight Watcher friends. These are my newest friends. I just love meeting new people and becoming friends. They are just one of the many reasons I look forward to Saturday!
Not to mention, I have friends from very long ago. These friends I may not speak to them every day, but when we get together it’s comfortable. We pick up right from where we were and go forth. I treasure this so much. They knew me when……. And still care!
Family are my friends.
My adult children are my friends, as well. I say this cautiously. Note I said adult children. When they were minors, I was their parent. A parent must maintain the authority, and being a friend can undermine your role as a parent.
I remember hearing my dad telling my mom, “She’s an adult now. You need to consider her as a friend and not as a child.” I thought that was a wow back then, but now I understand- WOW! I had to recognize that both of my children are grownups, now I can enjoy a true friendship with them. I will always have my motherly love for them, that will never change 🙂
When I was a little girl in Brownies (before Girl Scouts), I remember singing a song:
Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other’s gold.
We would sing this in a round, like Row, Row Your Boat.