A Little Surprise | My Sunday Snapshot

A little surprise

My Sunday Snapshot #14

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 14! I had a little surprise waiting for me when I was cleaning the pool skimmer. Usually the skimmer is filled with leaves and a few small bugs. Well, this time a baby turtle!

Mud turtle

When I first saw this turtle I wondered if it was a snapping turtle. Snapping turtles are not a wanted turtle for our fishing ponds. So I text a picture to Kevin and he was the one who identified my little surprise turtle.

Mud turtle
Mud Turtle

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
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My Sunday Snapshot 14

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26 thoughts on “A Little Surprise | My Sunday Snapshot

  1. Debra, Thanks for visiting and commenting on my fishing post tablescape. I appreciate it. I’m looking forward to your link party on Friday. Loved your turtle photos, and glad it was not a snapping turtle. Unfortunately, our skimmer has once had a snake – only once in 34 years, but in Texas many snakes are poisonous so I never open the skimmer at night without a bright flashlight. Better safe than sorry here. Have a great week! Patty

    1. Hi, Patty. I would never check my skimmer at night! Too many ‘things’ can end up in there. Please do stop by on Friday’s. You will always be welcomed.
      Take care and best wishes.

  2. Aw, such a cute little turtle! I love wildlife, they are so majestic and beautiful. I have many favorites. Dolphins, giraffes, turtles, and hippos to name a few. (The hippos were added very recently when we visited them at an aquarium) 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  3. So cute! But, yes, I suppose you DO need to be careful of what kinds of turtles you let go where. I’ve never heard of a mud turtle. Visiting from Gma’s Photo Generic linkup.

    1. I thought it was interesting. Wonder if the design is like human finger prints? I never thought about this until you pointed out the pattern.
      Take care and best wishes.

    1. Hi, Paula. I was quite tickled when I seen the little turtle. Very cute. But aren’t all things cute when they are little? hahahah
      Thank you for visiting.
      Take care and best wishes.

  4. What a delightful surprise!
    Finding a turtle in your pool skimmer must have been quite the unexpected discovery. They’re such adorable little creatures! 🐢

    Happy Saturday!

  5. We call those sun or painted turtles here… we used to get quite a few of them near/on our beach each year and my oldest even raised one in a tank in his room for quite a few years. I was surprised to find that they are such curious creatures; any time we tried to clean his tank it was really hard to keep him contained and not lose him in the house!

    1. Funny you said your oldest raised one. When I saw this one, I immediately thought of my youngest grand daughter. She would have wanted to keep it! I couldn’t image a loose turtle in my house 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
      Take care and best wishes.

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