Store Shelves

store shelves

Store Shelves | My Sunday Snapshot #19

Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 19! I had gone into the store to buy some Nature Valley bars. The orange box of the Sweet & Salty Peanut bars was the height of my forehead. What I was wanting was on the shelve above. I tried and tried to get the box of chocolate chip bars. Could not for the life of me reach it. At that moment I remembered a post from Facebook.

store shelves

Yep, that says it all.

Have a wonderful week!

WW Update:
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Gma’s photo


my Sunday snapshot
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My Sunday Snapshot 19

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18 thoughts on “Store Shelves

  1. I was like that last night trying to reach a glass jar on the top shelf that they had stacked 2 high; I thought for sure I was going to end up with glass all around me.

    1. Whoever designs the items on shelves do not consider that happening. If it was considered, glass jars would not be placed above 5 foot, IMO.
      Take care and best wishes.

  2. Oh my gosh… I can certainly relate to this photo, Debra! As a shorter person (5′ 2″) with short arms I’m always envious of one of my daughters who got her dad’s long legs and arms. When they are shopping with me, I have no worries! When I’m on my own, I’m exactly like that photo! 😳

    1. Hi, Laura. I do not know why the shelves are so high. Now when I am in Walmart in the isle with jugs of water, there is a pole on the end rack that I use to pull the gallon jugs closer to me when out of reach. That is nice. Too bad the stores do not have this available on each isle.
      Take care and best wishes.

  3. Hubby is very tall and he often helps shorter folks get packages that are to high for them to reach. You made me chuckle.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  4. It always seems like the item you need is just out of reach. I’ve had similar experiences where I’ve had to ask for help or get creative with how to reach those high shelves. Nature Valley bars are my favorite too, especially the chocolate chip ones. Hope you were able to find someone to help you eventually. Have a wonderful week ahead!

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